Is anyone else getting truncated digests on this list ? I sometimes get the full
thing, but most of the time, the email is truncated to about 15-20k in size.. the
index shows there shoudl be 53 messages, but today it got cut off part way through
the 15th one.

Perl-Win32-Users Mailing List digest wrote:

> Perl-Win32-Users Mailing List Digest for Wednesday, May 24, 2000.
> 1. AW: Perl2exe
> 2. RE: How to modify the Screen Saver setting with PERL?
> 3. Re: character string length
> 4. Re: How to find the element no. of Grep match?
> 5. RE: character string length
> 6. RE: How to modify the Screen Saver setting with PERL?
> 7. Re: perl-ldap available as PPM [Was: Re: PerLDAP problems]
> 8. Re: STDIN and STDOUT
> 9. @_ =~ s/x/y/g?
> 10. Re: STDIN and STDOUT
> 11. Re: @_ =~ s/x/y/g?
> 12. Re: @_ =~ s/x/y/g?
> 13. FW: How to modify the Screen Saver setting with PERL?
> 14. Re: @_ =~ s/x/y/g?
> 15. Win32::OLE question


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: @_ =~ s/x/y/g?
> From: Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 16:23:20 +0200
> X-Message-Number: 12
> Simon Oliver wrote:
> > Lee Goddard wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm away from my Camel books: could someone please let me
> > > know the way to globablly substitute a string over an
> > > array, and leave the array as an
> > > array?
> >
> > map s/x/y/g, @list;
> Shame to have map build up a return array and then discard it. It's
> considered by some to be bad style to use map in a void context; they
> suggest substituting 'foreach'. In this vein:
>     s/x/y/g for @list;
> or
>     foreach(@list) { s/x/y/g; }


Ian Batterbee
Senior Network/Comms Technician
Auckland University of Technology
Auckland, New Zealand
Mobile: +64-21-655-625

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