Question: I have just a small amount of state information I need to store 
for a new site I am creating. Most sites I have done require either a 
relational DB backend, but this site has a minimal amount of data. It will 
actually be a hash array, and involves less than 150 keys.

So in my eyes, I have two ways to go. Create a quick DBM, and let my script 
call it each time I need data, or B). Write the data to a "text" file on 
the webserver, and just read from it each time I need data.

My real question is: which anology is faster. A) Accessing a DBM that is 
local to the webserver, adding entries at login, and accessing those 
entries while they are on line. B) Creating a file that is local to the 
webserver, and adding entries at login there and reading from that file 
while they are browsing?

If no one has any ideas which is faster, I can try and put together a 
Benchmark::IO study, but I figure someone may of done this already.

Thanks For Your Time,

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