Why is this not working?
the tk stuff is from some website,
a working example i presume for it
does what the code shows.

i added the scan_files and the
update_list subroutine. it will
not work!

why not?

use Tk;
use Win32::ChangeNotify;

$Sig_Path = "c:\\test";

# Create main window.
my $main = new MainWindow;

# A menu bar is really a Frame.
$menubar = $main->Frame(-relief=>"raised",

# Menubuttons appear on the menu bar.
$filebutton = $menubar->Menubutton(-text=>"File",
    -underline => 0);  # F in File

# Menus are children of Menubuttons.
$filemenu = $filebutton->Menu();

# Associate Menubutton with Menu.

# Create menu choices.
        -command => \&scan_dir,
    -label => "Start...",
    -underline => 0); # S in Scan


$filemenu->command(-label => "Exit",
    -command => \&exit_choice,
    -underline => 1);  # "x" in Exit

# Help menu.
$helpbutton = $menubar->Menubutton(-text=>"Help",
    -underline => 0);  # H in Help

$helpmenu = $helpbutton->Menu();

$helpmenu->command(-command => \&about_choice,
    -label => "About TkMenu...",
    -underline => 0); # A in About


# Pack most Menubuttons from the left.

# Help menu should appear on the right.

$menubar->pack(-side=>"top", -fill=>"x");

# Create a label widget for the main area.
$label = $main->Label(-text => "Main Area");

# Set to expand, with padding.
$label->pack(-side=>"top", -expand=>1,
    -padx=>100, -pady=>100);

# Create a status area.
$status = $main->Label(-text=>"Status area",

$status->pack(-side=>"top", -fill=>"x");

# Let Perl/Tk handle window events.

# Subroutine to handle button click.
sub exit_choice {

    print "You chose the Exit choice!\n";

sub open_choice {
    # Fill in status area.
    $status->configure(-text=>"Open file.");

    print "Open file\n";

sub about_choice {
    # Fill in status area.
    $status->configure(-text=>"About program.");

    print "About tkmenu.pl\n";

sub scan_dir

        undef my $changes;
    $status->configure(-text=>"Scanning $Sig_Path...");
        my $notify = Win32::ChangeNotify->new($Sig_Path,$WatchSubTree,$Events);
        while (1) {


sub update_list
    $status->configure(-text=>"Got one!!!!!!!!!...");

# tkmenu.pl

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