Anthony George wrote:
> Anyone have any suggestions for code check in/check out utils?  Looking
> for something for perl only, that will keep track of changes to code,
> auto-increment a var($appVersion) within the code if it differs from the
> last known base, keep track of associated files...
> Also able to grab code from drive/http/ftp...
> I'm getting to the point where I really need something like
> this(multiple projects and not enough documentation), and bordering on
> writing my own....

Have you looked into CVS?  I believe Cyclic ( offers both
graphical and command-line interfaces.


99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code.
Fix one bug, compile again, 100 little bugs in the code.
100 little bugs in the code, 100 bugs in the code.
Fix one bug, compile again, 101 little bugs in the code...

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