You can't do it like that.

You can, however, output the source to a temp file, then launch your browser
to view the temp file:

Example code:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

$temp = '/path/to/temp_file'; # define your temp file
open (OUTP, "$temp") || die "can not open output: $!\n"; #open the temp
file, or die if can't
while (read ($buffer, STDIN, 1024)) { # read standard in 1024 bytes or 1Kb
    printf OUTP "$buffer"; # print info to output file
system("iexplore $temp"); # launch the browser to view temp file

Hope that helps... you will need to modify to suit your specific needs, but
this should work
Charles E. Pelkey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
C.P. Designs

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