Thanks for the tip on Win32::Internet.
I had been using Net::FTP and LWP::UserAgent.

Is there a performance advantage to using Win32::Internet instead (for the 
cases they both can handle)?

Also, there appears to be a typo/error/anachronism in the docs: 
The first example given: 

    $file = $INET->FetchURL("";);

That first semicolon after" causes a syntax error for me.  I 
would think that was just a typo (remove the ; and the code works), but 
there's a similar discrepancy a bit farther down in the docs:

($Session, "";, "anonymous", "dada\");

Again, the semicolon after the URL causes a syntax error and it works fine 
without it.   Is this an archaic vestige of an earlier Perl syntax?

(ActiveState 5.6 on Win2k system).

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