Please, take a look at this code. It opens a txt file and email the =
users. But each user always gets two emails. Any clue?

open (DAT,"<$memberinfo/amdata.db");
if ($LOCK_EX){=20
flock(DAT, $LOCK_EX); #Locks the file

@database_array =3D <DAT>;
close (DAT);

foreach $line(@database_array) {
@userarray =3D split(/\:/,$line);=20

    open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t")
                                || print "Can't start mail program";
    print MAIL "To: $userarray[2]\n";
    print MAIL "From: mailto:production\\n;
    print MAIL "Subject: Here comes the subject\n";
    print MAIL "testing the email\n\n";
    close (MAIL);

Thanks a lot.

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