Hi All,
I've got a cute little PERL program named blahtest.pl as follows:
                print ("Starting Script\n");

                open (FILE,">confirmWritePrivileges.txt") or die ("Nope: $!\n");
                print FILE ("See, I can write to files\n");
                close FILE;

                os.system ("echo blah > blahtest.txt");
                print ("Completed script\n");

I'm currently running on IIS on Win2K

When I run from the command line, I get all of the 'start' and 'end' comments, and it 
create two files:
'blahtest.txt' and 'confirmWritePriveleges.txt'

When I run the program through CGI (http://localhost/blahtest.pl), it does I get the 
'start' and 'end'
comments and just the 'confirmWritePriveleges.txt'. but *NOT* the blahtest.txt .

Is there something about the CGI environment which won't let me run a system command 
(I can obviously write
files ok)?  . 

Other things which I've already tried include:
*       'system ("arg");
*       system ("cmd","arg"); 
*       'os.system' 
*       redirecting through a batch file, (i.e. calling a batch file to do this 
*       backticks with `$cmd` where $cmd=echo blah > blahtest.txt ...  
*       Opening up all security options in IIS for read/write/execute etc,
*       Setting file system userprivileges for IUSR_ComputerName to have 
read/write/execute permissions for
the pertinent folders on this system

Any suggestions on what I should try next?



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