On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Rush, Thomas wrote:

> Hi,
> I've installed Mod_Perl v1.99 from theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca
> (had a PPD with it) on Apache v2.48. Yup, you guessed it,
> it's that apache::registry question again. The
> Apache::Registry module can not be found.
> Web: WIN32 Apache 2.48
> OS: WIN32 NT 4.00.1381
> ppm>
> Querying target 1 (ActivePerl
> 19. mod_perl [1.99_12-dev] Embed a Perl interpreter in the Apache/2.0.48
> HTTP server
> ppm>

   Apache::Registry of mod_perl 1 has been replaced by
ModPerl::Registry in mod_perl 2, so with mod_perl 2
you should be using ModPerl::Registry.

> Error when actioning the Apache httd_Conf:
> [Mon Dec 29 04:48:58 2003] [error] Can't locate
> ModPerl/Registry.pm in @INC (@INC contains: E:/Perl/lib
> E:/Perl/site/lib . E:/apache2/ E: [Mon Dec 29 04:48:58
> 2003] [error] Can't load Perl module ModPerl::Registry for
> server me.uk.centricaplc.com:80, exiting...

Try adding a
   use Apache2;
to the top of your script, before using any other mod_perl
modules - Apache2.pm adjusts the @INC path to include
an Apache2/ subdirectory within @INC. Alternatively, if
you use a startup script, use Apache2 in there.

best regards,
randy kobes
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