Musar Corporation wrote, on Thursday, February 12, 2004 8:57 AM
:  I had some code that was giving me trouble.  I wanted a program to 
:  perform some function as long as two conditions did not exist.  My 
:  original code was:
:          if ($some_value ne $some_input_value && $another_value ne 
:  $another_input_value) {
:          do something;
:         }
:  I fixed the problem by changing it to:
:          unless ($some_value eq $some_input_value && $another_value eq 
:  $another_input_value) {
:          do something;
:         }

Brush up on your Boolean logic. When you distribute (or "factor out")
not from "and" or "or", the sense changes. That is:

(Not A And Not B) is equivalent to Not (A Or B).

Look at the truth tables (something I do a lot when trying to reduce a
complicated conditional):

  A   B  !A&&!B A||B
  1   1     0    1
  1   0     0    1
  0   1     0    1
  0   0     1    0

What you started with was !A && !B ("as long as two conditions did not
exist", so the expression was a correct translation of your English
requirement); since you wanted the latter, your English requirement
should have been something like "as long as both conditions weren't met."

Good luck


          Joseph P. Discenza, Sr. Programmer/Analyst
               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Carleton Inc.
          574.243.6040 ext. 300    fax: 574.243.6060
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