Marlon wrote:

> Hi, my name is Marlon and I'm a new perl programmer.

We'll be the judge of that.  ;)

>                                                       I have some questions
> about perl and I'dd like some help...
> 1- How can I use apache with ActiveState ActivePerl 5.6 on windows?

Just get them both properly installed and have at it.

> 2- I know perl is a cgi scripting language ok? But php, for example, may be
> used or if a cgi interpreter or as a module on apache. Is it possible to use
> perl as a apache module too?

Long before PHP.

> 3- I need a simple upload system, which sends one file with extension .mpg
> from the client machine via ftp to a ftp server. This system must have a
> progress bar to indicate the persent progress of the download. I've tryed
> doing this in php, but it's impossible and some people tould me to try perl
> ... But I have no idea about how start it ... How can I start it? Is it
> possible?

Depends on whether you want to use FTP or CGI.  Both can uplaod the
file.  FTP can do the status bar - might be able to do it in CGI with
some JavaScript help, but I can't think of an obvious solution.

> Well, I'm from Brazil so my english is a feew bad ... but I hope you
> anderstande me and I hope someone help ... I don't, know many things about
> perl, it's a feew strange still for me ...

You did ok so far - a lot better than my Spanish or Portuguese. :)

There's an upload script on my Tripod site (no status bar).

For FTP, you need an FTP server running on the machine you're uploading to.
If you have that, you can use Net::FTP module to do the upload and the
status bar, but you'd be working from a console interface (commandline)
rather than a web/HTML interface (browser).

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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-/-' /___/_<_</_</_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)

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