Sorry to spam this out to the ActiveState, Web, and Admin groups, but I
wasn't sure exactly where a question like this would go.

I am in the position of hosting a number of sites for which,
unfortunately, I do not have total control.  Nor can I shut the system
down whenever I like.

SOMETHING (I don't know what) is calling the perl.exe process, which is
running under the IUSR_MACHINE account.  It's using up an inordinate
amount of CPU time.  I can't figure out what is doing it.  I can't even
run stats on my http logfiles because they seem to be slowing down. And we
have a lot of Perl files.

Windows 2000 Task Manager is of no help, aside from letting me see that
IUSR_MACHINE is using the 5.8 perl.exe file.  I can't tell what path it is
to be absolutely sure, but it seems likely that this is a web script
someone has loaded that has gone amok, although other possibilities exist,
such as some trojan that is using my server as a DDoS box.

Numerous copies of PERL.EXE are being called, but occasionally drop down
to just one or two copies, and trying to kill them off in Task Manager
doesn't work, either.

Any ideas on how to make PERL.EXE yield up what is calling it?  Using NTFS
auditing would not help, since it would just tell me that IUSR_MACHINE is
doing it.  I could conceivably shut down one site at a time, but that
presents its own problems with good service.

I'd be grateful for any help.



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