        I have tried installing the Win32-SqlServer-2.002 perl module on
windows xp.  When I first run makefile.pl and it completes ok.  Then I
run nmake and get the following error:
        LINK : fatal error LNK1101: incorrect MSPDB80.DLL version;
recheck installation of this product
        NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio 8\VC\bin\link.EXE"' : return code '0X44d'

I've seen this thread before. So since it's a repost and no one else has
replied I'll try and give you some pointers:

My guess is (don't have the time to validate) that you're using Visual
Studio 8 but it's looking for Visual Studio 7. If you have VS 7 do try
to compile with that. Failing that you can try to download the free
nmake utility install and compile it on a machine that you have that
does not have VS 8 on it.

Unfortunately there does not seem to be a ppm package for this module,
so that's a dead end for you.

I'm assuming you need some of the obscure functionality the MS SQL
server offers, hence your intention to get this module installed.
However if youre only after SQL statement execution then Win32::ODBC
would more than suffice. Others will recommend other modules for
portability, but hey this is a Win32 list.


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