Ben Eagle wrote:
> I made a PDF using PDF::API2, it works fine I put all the text where 
> they should be and in acrobat 7 and below works fine, but in acrobat 8 
> all the text gets pushed to the right.
> This is a real big problem for my client, and I am not sure how it can 
> be fixed


seeing that no-one has answered in 4 days, I guess it's safe to assume 
that none of the readers of this list have the answer. The next step, 
then, would be to post the question to a venue with a larger readership, 
or something more specific.

Your best bet would be to a) open a ticket on the PDF::API2 bug queue on (include a small example that shows the problem), or b) ask 
the question on Perlmonks.


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