Hi All

I am trying to get to a webpage, look for matches of prices, print those
matches to a file and send that file to excel where a chart is automatically
generated. I dont have a problem with sending it to excel or getting to the
webpage. I cant get it to match all the prices on the page and send all
those matches to a file. I am using strawberry perl. I can do this in linux
but linux doesnt have excel and theres nothing available to automate
openoffice spreadsheet. Here is the closest I could get to it:

use WWW::Mechanize;

  my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 );
  $mech->get( "http://austin.craigslist.org/apa/"; );

open(FD, ">> abc.txt") or die("Couldn't open test.dat\n");
print FD $mech->content;

open (FILE,"<","abc.txt");

open (OUT, ">","list.txt");


print OUT if(/'$'[0-9].*/);


close FILE;

close OUT;

The ouput doesnt match all the prices and it doesnt show only the price.
What am I doing wrong? In linux I just pipe the output to grep which gives
me the perfect response. Why won't this work?

Thank you in advance all help is much appreciated.
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