On May 04 2000 at 08:51 or thereabouts, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Have you heard of SDF - the Simple Document Format? It's a way of putting
> stuff into text files, and outputting it in any one of many formats. It's
> all written in Perl, of course, altho it uses external programs to do some
> conversions. See my Links page for the URI.

Yep, I've seen SDF and it's good stuff. It can output to
many more formats than yads, and it looks simpler to use.
It's been around for a while, the web page is high quality,
and it has a good manual. I haven't looked at it carefully
enough, but I think it is very powerfull in the back end

Yads it's more focussed in the front end. It's intended for
complex multi-node documents, and it can gracefully handle
multi-document structures. It has less output power (only
html, latex, bibtex, as of today) but it gives you a lot of
powerful tools to build the documents. For example, to make
the list of new articles in the first page of twostones.org
I only had to type:

<ref label="art_.+" date="ot 1 Jan 2000" long="author,
abstract, date"/>

in the body of the xml document. This makes a list of links
to all the documents whose label has an art_ followed by
anything, and whose date is Older Than 1st Jan 2000. It puts
the author, the abstract and the date of the document as
text in the link. Isn't that cool? Of course I can make
links based on any field in the header, like to all the
documents whose author is Somebody. Another example: when I
started to document yads it was painful to write the xml
tags (&lt;tag&gt;, and this sort of thing), so I wrote a

<macro name='tg'

Then, just typing <tg nm="macro" op=" name='yads'"/> I will
get &lt;<em>macro</em> name='yads'&gt;

And, over all, it uses XML. That is, to me, a clear
advantage. You can define an XML document structure, and
then adapt yads to work with it.


Joan M. Garcia

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