Rob Janes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Can anyone add to this?
>I posted this list of reasons why I don't use Module::Build, to the 
>Module::Build list, not to cheese anybody off, but mostly cause somebody 
>there asked me to.
>Then somebody there said I should get off the pot and submit some code. 
> I'm considering that, but I thought I'd better find out the size of the 
>beast.  So, can anybody add to this list?
>* the xs tools are EU::MM centered.  h2xs produces a Makefile.PL, not a 
>Build.PL.  this is a big problem.  h2xs would have to be re-written to 
>produce a Build.PL file.

I don't see that as a big problem:
  A. The Makefile.PL and Build.PL it builds are boring boiler-plate.
     So it isn't a re-write but as small addition.
  B. I don't use h2xs anyway ;-) 

>* the xs tutorials are all EU::MM centered.  perlxstut, etc.  another 
>big problem.
>* Module::Build only understands a very small set of targets, while 
>make's is comprehensive.  This is an intractable structural problem, 
>cause make is at the center of all this, and Module::Build is perl 
>specific and really just a johny-come-lately.  The best solution is to 
>have Module::Build call out to make for unknown targets.

The number of targets you really need isn't that large.
But I agree you need a few 
  .xs -> .o 
  .c -> .o 
  .cpp -> .o 
  *.o -> .so / .dll

The snag is that these need to integrate with the architecture 
of Module::Build (which needs co-operation from M::B folk).

>* recursive builds.  

The complete lack of that is why I haven't ever got into M::B.
In principle it is a simple

do $_ foreach glob("*/Build.PL");

The snag (as EU::MM shows) is sharing namespace(s) and passing 
config data down.

>Module::Build's c_source option is not adequate.  i 
>may want to build a library or an executable, not a bunch of object 
>files.  secondly, i may not want to compile all the c files in the 
>directory.  thirdly, the directory may have non-c files that are part of 
>the build.  fourthly, the build may be conditional.  for example, 
>bzlib-src in Compress::Bzip2, where i needed to conditionally build a 
>library, executables, and not compile the extensive test suite.  why you 
>ask did i include files that weren't part of the standard build?  it's 
>not my code.  i didn't read the terms of use too closely, but to be safe 
>i put all the files in that fit.

perl/Tk does the same (in spades!) - by including most of Tcl/Tk files 
than then cherry-picking what gets built.

Likewise Audio::* includes drivers for various sound APIs 
and conditionaly compiles.

>* tweaking builds to add compiler flags and such.  i don't know how to 
>do that with M::B.  getting through the hoops on ms windows would have 
>been impossible without this.
>* need to be able to add custom linker flags.  linking in an external 
>library isn't always as easy as -Lxxx -lxxx, especially if it's a 
>dynamic lib.  Often you have to add custom linker flags to bind the 
>dynamic lib location to the compiled perl module.  Usually this is 
>necessary when the library is not in a standard location.
>* recursive builds for perl modules (not c code as above).  I've had 
>projects that i structured with nested packages mostly for development. 
> The nested packages were co-requisites that were intended to be 
>installed separately to a production environment.  I had a number of 
>test environments, with all the packages being modified ongoing.  EU::MM 
>very nicely allowed me to package them all in the same directory while 
>retaining their independent nature.  when i ran the Makefile.PL in the 
>top directory, it descended into the other package directores i either 
>symlinked in or copied in, and installed them all into the same blib. 
>very handy.  some of them were xs, datetime speedups, lru caches on perl 
>structures, alternate associative array structures that were faster than 
>perl's hashes, had a smaller footprint, and intrinsically sorted too. 
>having them in separate blibs would have been impossible to deal with. 
>recursive builds are not in M::B as far as I can tell.
>* make -n equivalent.  is there a way to do a dry run of the build with 

A nice to have - one way might be to override system() or whatever 
it uses to invoke tools.

>* constant definitions derived from parsing a .h file.  It's hard to 
>stop EU::MM from doing this, 

It is h2xs that does that. Botched parse of .h is why I don't use it.
(Sadly my replacement code is just as fragile.)

>but i don't know how to coerce M::B to even 
>start doing this.  Moreover, EU::MM allows options for tweaking the 
>constant definitions.

The essence of this is the hook that can cause a .xs file to be 
generated somehow. Does M::B allow Foo.xs.PL ?

>* makefiles.  make is the ant for c.  importing a c project is easier if 
>you can deal with makefiles.  M::B starts with the assumption that make 
>is not there.  however, when M::B comes to deal with c code, that is 
>actually an unreasonable assumption.  i can't think of any c development 
>environment that is missing make in some form or other.

I can see both sides here.

On the one hand if you know make exists then Build.PL can 
always system("make") as last resort.

On the other part of motivation from M::B is that 
  BSDmake != gnumake != sunmake != nmake != dmake
In particular on Win32 the hoops you have to jump through to get
arglists into temp files are radically different.

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