Jeremy, Eric,

Thanks for your replies.  Actually, I was able to get an answer a month
ago, on perl5-porters.  A discussion ensued, and I had a few other
issues to resolve (such as perl 5.8.7 not allowing me to SvSHARE() a
code reference).

No worries:) I must have missed your original post.

While we're on the subject of SvSHARE, have you any pointers to documentation to show how it's used?

The API docs simply say "Arranges for sv to be shared between threads if a suitable module has been loaded.", which leads to a lot of questions. For example: What can and can not be shared? If a hash is shared, are sv's added to the hash shared too? Does Perl maintain the mutex locks on a shared SV, or do we have to do it explicitly with SvLock? I can think of a few more questions as well:)



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