
I am maintaining the CPAN module GSSAPI.pm.
The module uses XS.
It builds on man systems the uses the xsubpp
that ships with Perl. (mine is xsubpp version 1.950).

But I get errorreports from users that use the xsubpp
that ships with ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.15 from CPAN.

I can reproduce it by installing  ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.15 and 
using that xsubpp.

Question: is the ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.15 broken and do I have
to ask the Author to fix it or have I to fix my XS code?
(And what have I to do in that case?)

I've attached the C-output from the ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.15.

Please let me know if you want me to send more information.

Thank you,
Achim Grolms

Attachment: GSSAPI.c.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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