Very quick question I hope someone can answer.

I'm calling sendTask() in a C++ library where I pass a char* that is
supposedly malloced and returned so I need to free() it.

The problem is when I call Safefree()  below the code fails (in odd ways),
but if I don't call Safefree() /free() then it works ok.

Looking at the code below, if "buffer" is malloc'd and returned and newSVpv
*copies* the buffer into the SV then is it correct to call Safefree() or
free() as I'm doing below?

sendTask( MyClient * THIS, unsigned int id, char * message_payload,
unsigned int message_length )
        char * buffer = NULL;
        int  buffer_length;
        int  status;

        THIS->sendTask( id, message_payload, message_length, buffer,
&buffer_length, &status );
        XPUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVpv( buffer, buffer_length ) ) );
       * Safefree( buffer );*
        XPUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSViv( status ) ) );

Bill Moseley

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