Hi all!

Help needed getting the ePerl reduced testcase to pass on
appveyor/win64/cygwin64/cmake .


* https://github.com/thewml/website-meta-language/tree/reduce-appveyor-error
(note the branch)

* https://ci.appveyor.com/project/shlomif/website-meta-language

I reduced it as much as I could and still get 

Perl parsing error (interpreter rc=9) error=
#   Failed test 'generic system wml'
#   at t/03-p3_eperl.t line 12.
#   Failed test 'generic cmp'
#   at t/03-p3_eperl.t line 29.
#          got: ''
#     expected: 'foo
# '
# Looks like 

any insights will be appreciated.

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