On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 10:49:37AM -0500, Ed Summers wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 08:40:48AM -0500, Chuck Bearden wrote:
> > I hope this helps.
> This helps for the order of the fields, but from looking at his 
> program it looks like the more pernicious problem is the order of the 
> subfields within each field!

Ah, I overlooked that crucial point.

My guess is that the 'marc_subfield_table' from which he is selecting
also contains a column with an int reflecting the ordinal of the
subfield within the field.  If so, adding an 'ORDER BY' clause to the
SELECT statement would extract the subfields in the order specified in
the database (ostensibly the order given by the cataloger or by the MARC
record originally loaded).

FWIW, I don't know of a generalized set of rules for subfield ordering.  
For USMARC-encoded AACR2 records, I suspect that the assumption is 
that the cataloger will order them according to AACR2 order.  While
general patterns could be specified for many fields, there would be many
exceptional cases.  And of course formats other than AACR2 can be
encoded in MARC.


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