At 11:22 26/2/2004 -0600, you wrote:
On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 10:55:35AM -0300, Oberdan Luiz May wrote:
>       I'm running perl 5.8.3 on Solaris 2.6, with the last version of all
> modules needed, the latest Berkeley DB, all compiled with GCC 3.3.2 . Any
> hints?

There was a bug in MARC::Charset v0.5 which was causing the EastAsian Berkeley
DB mapping to fail. The failure wasn't evident when I released v0.5 since
MARC::Charset::EastAsian was using the installed BerkeleyDB for lookups
rather than the one that is generated as part of the perl Makfile.PL process.

Both problems have been fixed and were just uploaded to CPAN as v0.6. If
you really want the latest package you can get it from SourceForge here:

Thanks for writing to the list about this Oberdan!


Hello Ed,

I already downloaded MARC::Charset 0.6. This time all worked pretty fine. Actually I'm having other problems when converting from ansel fo UTF8, but I'll post it as another question. Thanks!



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