If you sent us the regular expression which does the matching,
it might be some help to us.
I know how it feels to have something fail, when nothing seems to have
changed. But some library, or perhaps a location of a file, or
something must have changed. perhaps, even the order of items in
the file. perhaps the expression was never quite right before, but new data
in the file has somehow tickled the expression in ways it has never been tickled before.

At 11:25 AM 6/23/2004 -0700, Jon Legree wrote:
Desperately seeking the help of a perl/linux-meister

I consider myself an intermediate perl programmer, but this problem has had
me completely stumped for days. We've been using the Public Access Terminal
Control program ( to control internet access and
it has worked perfectly for us until last week. The perl script which
authenticates users suddenly stopped working properly, although there were
no changes made to the perl code.

The script uses regular expression matching and grep to find users in a flat
file database of card numbers, and in a daily-generated list of guest user
numbers. If a user attempts to login using a valid barcode that is in the
database, the script authenticates the user and logs them on as it should.
If the user types in an invalid barcode number, the script refuses the login
as it should.

If a user enters a single non-numeric character - any letter of the
alphabet -  or any random sequence of letters, the script will authenticate
the user as a guest and log them on (guest user bnumbers start with a

Is there anything in the system environment (Red Hat linux 7.1, perl 5.6.0 -
upgraded to 5.6.1 in an attempt to fix the problem, apache 1.3.x) that would
suddenly cause grep or regular expression functions, or simple file
access/reading functions to stop working or not work right? This system has
worked perfectly for 3 years, and nothing has been changed recently.

Any suggestions, comments, assistance will be greatly appreciated.


Jon Legree
Library Technology Specialist
Yorba Linda Public Library
Yorba Linda, CA

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