On 12/5/05, Ed Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Am I right that this amounts to less than 1Meg (EastAsian.db +
> > UTF8.db)? Depending on your system and your needs (more
> > speed?), that may not be considered large and might fit into
> > memory fine.  Otherwise, I think any of the in-core (non-DB_File)
> > DBM files ought to suffice for that amount of data.
> Which in-core dbm modules are these? I thought DB_File was the defacto
> standard for doing this...

Excerpt from `perldoc AnyDBM_File`:

       DBM Comparisons

       Here's a partial table of features the different packages offer:

                                odbm    ndbm    sdbm    gdbm    bsd-db
                                ----    ----    ----    ----    ------
        Linkage comes w/ perl   yes     yes     yes     yes     yes
        Src comes w/ perl       no      no      yes     no      no
        Comes w/ many unix os   yes     yes[0]  no      no      no
        Builds ok on !unix      ?       ?       yes     yes     ?
        Code Size               ?       ?       small   big     big
        Database Size           ?       ?       small   big?    ok[1]
        Speed                   ?       ?       slow    ok      fast
        FTPable                 no      no      yes     yes     yes
        Easy to build          N/A     N/A      yes     yes     ok[2]
        Size limits             1k      4k      1k[3]   none    none
        Byte-order independent  no      no      no      no      yes
        Licensing restrictions  ?       ?       no      yes     no

So sdbm is the one that is sure to have its source in the perl
distribution.  I'm guessing that most/all of the CPAN testers
have bsd-db installed already, therefore the tests don't fail.

As for the memory, it's not really the memory which I'm concerned
> about as much as it is the time it would take to build the database
> everytime someone used the MARC::Charset module. Perhaps I'm falling
> victim to the curse of premature optimization again though. If I had a
> text file of 16,000 mappings that was read in everytime someone did a:
>     use MARC::Charset;
> would people be put out? I imagine folks in mod_perl environments
> wouldn't care too much--although a MB of ram for each apache process
> has a way of adding up. At least for high volume sites.

I think you're correct to be conservative.  I've been spoiled
by servers with lots of memory, so my judgement may be in
question.  :-)


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