Mike Rylander a écrit :
I tested with the record you sent Ed and me, and everything seems to
work for me ...
As you can see, I tested several variants of the UNIMARC flag, and
even tested not sending the encoding to new_from_xml() ... it all
seems to work for me, and I'm not sure what problems you're seeing. Perhaps you just needed to set your binmode for the XML source?

strange, strange...

What does my script :
* retrieve the MARC::Record from zebra
* read some datas from mysql
* build a page with HTML::Template
* send the pages to the browser

I added 3 lines to save the record in a file after reading from zebra. Adding binmode(F,':utf8');
before saving my record in F, give me correct UTF-8.
without binmode, it's NOK.

But when I put the MARC::record in a page builded with HTML::Template, it's wrong.
The HTML is utf-8 (html page encoding).
It also contains some strings from mySQL and all strings from mySQL appear as correct utf8 while all strings coming from the MARC::record coming from zebra are not !

I can add "binmode()" to the template output, but everything goes wrong with strings from mySQL.

Any suggestion welcomed !
Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants
en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)

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