On Wednesday, May 03, 2006 9:28 AM, Ed @ Go Britain wrote:
>In the 245 record it is 
>possible to have numerous $n and $p fields which need to be 
>output with formating between the fields.
>My knowledge of PERL isn't too good and I'm struggling to know 
>how to extract these repeated subfields and place formatting 
>between the subfields in the prescribed order $a, $b, $n, $p, 
>$c. Both n and p could be repeated several times. 

There are times when the proper order would be $a, $n, $p, $b, $c, as well,
aren't there?

>At the moment I take each field into a variable eg 
>$Field245c = $record->subfield('245','c');
>and then output these as follows
>   if ($Field245c)
>    {
>    $EntryBody = $EntryBody . " -- " . $Field245c;
>    }
>However, this approach assigns the first occurance of a 
>subfield and I haven't yet discovered a tachnique for 
>accessing further subfields.

According to the POD in MARC::Field:
"Or if you think there might be more than one you can get all of them by
calling in a list context:

    my @subfields = $field->subfield( 'a' );"

Alternatively, get all subfields in the field and parse as needed:

my $field245 = $record->field('245');
my @subfields = $field245->subfields();

while (my $subfield = pop(@subfields)) {
    my ($code, $data) = @$subfield;
    #do something with data 

    #or add code and data to array
    unshift (@newsubfields, $code, $data);
} # while


I hope this helps,

Bryan Baldus

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