
Great, I'll check this module soon.

Is there a public repository (GitHub, Google Code, etc) of this code?

Concerning the name of the module, Marc is probably not the best choice.
Maybe MARC::OO, MARC::Object, MARC::Tools, ...

Have a nice day!

Emmanuel Di Pretoro

Le 10 novembre 2010 07:03, Frédéric DEMIANS <f.demi...@tamil.fr> a écrit :

> Hello,
> I've uploaded to CPAN a library managing Marc records:
>   http://search.cpan.org/dist/Marc/
> It's designed for personal usage but could help others.
> I'm not very comfortable with this library naming. Its purpose is very
> similar to MARC::Record and it is named 'Marc' and Marc::etc.
> Do you think, especially those managing MARC::Record, that it could be
> confusing and should be renamed?
> Thanks.
> --
> Frédéric DEMIANS

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