Hi everybody,

I'm programming a tool to collect some records from the Z3950 server of the
BNF (Bibliothèque Nationale de France). When I try to query this database
with yaz-client, everything is good, as you can see in the yaz-client

But when I try to get the same result via the Perl bindings, I don't have
any result. The script is available as a gist on GitHub[2].

What did I miss? Is there a way to see the query sent by the ZOOM module?

Thanks in advance.

Emmanuel Di Pretoro

[1] yaz-client trace: https://gist.github.com/2290438
[2] perl script: https://gist.github.com/2290443 (invoked as «
bnf.pl'@attr 1=7 9782266193689' »

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