Change 18440 by rgs@rgs-home on 2003/01/04 16:31:31

        Integrate change #18420 from maint-5.8:
        Mea culpa: the join() was the string join, not the
        ithreads join().

Affected files ...

... //depot/perl/ext/threads/t/join.t#4 integrate

Differences ...

==== //depot/perl/ext/threads/t/join.t#4 (text) ====
Index: perl/ext/threads/t/join.t
--- perl/ext/threads/t/join.t#3~18239~  Tue Dec  3 04:49:01 2002
+++ perl/ext/threads/t/join.t   Sat Jan  4 08:31:31 2003
@@ -93,17 +93,19 @@
 if ($^O eq 'linux') { # We parse ps output so this is OS-dependent.
   # First modify $0 in a subthread.
-  print "# 1a: \$0 = $0\n";
-  join( threads->new( sub {
-       print "# 2a: \$0 = $0\n";
-       $0 = "foobar";
-       print "# 2b: \$0 = $0\n" } ) );
-  print "# 1b: \$0 = $0\n";
-  if (open PS, "ps -f |") {
+  print "# mainthread: \$0 = $0\n";
+  threads->new( sub {
+                 print "# subthread: \$0 = $0\n";
+                 $0 = "foobar";
+                 print "# subthread: \$0 = $0\n" } )->join;
+  print "# mainthread: \$0 = $0\n";
+  print "# pid = $$\n";
+  if (open PS, "ps -f |") { # Note: must work in (all) Linux(es).
     my $ok;
     while (<PS>) {
-      print "# $_";
-      if (/^\S+\s+$$\s.+\sfoobar\s*$/) {
+      s/\s+$//; # there seems to be extra whitespace at the end by ps(1)?
+      print "# $_\n";
+      if (/^\S+\s+$$\s.+\sfoobar$/) {
End of Patch.

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