Change 33954 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2008/05/31 00:29:21

        [ 33859]
        $nonono  => $opts{notify}
        $verbose => $opts{verbose}
        $silent  => $opts{silent}
        to align the code with forked code in installman
        [ 33860]
        Converge some changes from installperl into installman. I have a
        suspicion that installman is only run on *nix and OS/2, not Win32 or
        VMS. Specifically
        sub unlink   - return scalar(@names) if $Is_VMS # from change 854
        sub link     - change warn to die               # from change 4774
        sub samepath - case insensitive name comparison # from change 311
        (in the ansiperl branch, merged via the win32 branch)
        [ 33861]
        Change 33859 missed $destdir => $opts{destdir}
        [ 33862]
        Merge common code from installperl and installman into
        [ 33863]
        A couple more installman tidy ups.
        [ 33864]
        Add -w, tweak some comments.

Affected files ...

... //depot/maint-5.10/perl/MANIFEST#29 integrate
... //depot/maint-5.10/perl/ branch
... //depot/maint-5.10/perl/installman#2 integrate
... //depot/maint-5.10/perl/installperl#5 integrate
... //depot/maint-5.10/perl/pod/perltodo.pod#11 integrate

Differences ...

==== //depot/maint-5.10/perl/MANIFEST#29 (text) ====
Index: perl/MANIFEST
--- perl/MANIFEST#28~33945~     2008-05-28 13:51:40.000000000 -0700
+++ perl/MANIFEST       2008-05-30 17:29:21.000000000 -0700
@@ -1395,6 +1395,7 @@
 hv.h                           Hash value header
 INSTALL                                Detailed installation instructions
 installhtml                    Perl script to install html files for pods                 functions shared between install* scripts
 installman                     Perl script to install man pages for pods
 installperl                    Perl script to do "make install" dirty work
 INTERN.h                       Included before domestic .h files

==== //depot/maint-5.10/perl/ (text) ====
Index: perl/
--- /dev/null   2008-05-07 15:08:24.549929899 -0700
+++ perl/ 2008-05-30 17:29:21.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Initialisation code and subroutines shared between installperl and installman
+# Probably installhtml needs to join the club.
+use strict;
+use vars qw($Is_VMS $Is_W32 $Is_OS2 $Is_Cygwin $Is_Darwin $Is_NetWare
+           %opts $packlist);
+use subs qw(unlink link chmod);
+use Config;
+    if ($Config{userelocatableinc}) {
+       # This might be a considered a hack. Need to get information about the
+       # configuration from *before* expands any .../
+       # prefixes.
+       #
+       # So we set $^X to pretend that we're the already installed perl, so
+       # doesits ... expansion off that location.
+       my $location = $Config{initialinstalllocation};
+       die <<'OS' unless defined $location;
+$Config{initialinstalllocation} is not defined - can't install a relocatable
+perl without this.
+       $^X = "$location/perl";
+       # And then remove all trace of ever having loaded, so that
+       # it will reload with the revised $^X
+       undef %Config::;
+       delete $INC{""};
+       delete $INC{""};
+       # You never saw us. We weren't here.
+       require Config;
+       Config->import;
+    }
+if ($Config{d_umask}) {
+    umask(022); # umasks like 077 aren't that useful for installations
+$Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
+$Is_W32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+$Is_OS2 = $^O eq 'os2';
+$Is_Cygwin = $^O eq 'cygwin';
+$Is_Darwin = $^O eq 'darwin';
+$Is_NetWare = $Config{osname} eq 'NetWare';
+sub unlink {
+    my(@names) = @_;
+    my($cnt) = 0;
+    return scalar(@names) if $Is_VMS;
+    foreach my $name (@names) {
+       next unless -e $name;
+       chmod 0777, $name if ($Is_OS2 || $Is_W32 || $Is_Cygwin || $Is_NetWare);
+       print "  unlink $name\n" if $opts{verbose};
+       ( CORE::unlink($name) and ++$cnt
+         or warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n" ) unless $opts{notify};
+    }
+    return $cnt;
+sub link {
+    my($from,$to) = @_;
+    my($success) = 0;
+    my $xfrom = $from;
+    $xfrom =~ s/^\Q$opts{destdir}\E// if $opts{destdir};
+    my $xto = $to;
+    $xto =~ s/^\Q$opts{destdir}\E// if $opts{destdir};
+    print $opts{verbose} ? "  ln $xfrom $xto\n" : "  $xto\n"
+       unless $opts{silent};
+    eval {
+       CORE::link($from, $to)
+           ? $success++
+           : ($from =~ m#^/afs/# || $to =~ m#^/afs/#)
+             ? die "AFS"  # okay inside eval {}
+             : die "Couldn't link $from to $to: $!\n"
+         unless $opts{notify};
+       $packlist->{$xto} = { from => $xfrom, type => 'link' };
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+       warn "Replacing link() with File::Copy::copy(): $@";
+       print $opts{verbose} ? "  cp $from $xto\n" : "  $xto\n"
+           unless $opts{silent};
+       print "  creating new version of $xto\n"
+                if $Is_VMS and -e $to and !$opts{silent};
+       unless ($opts{notify} or File::Copy::copy($from, $to) and ++$success) {
+           # Might have been that F::C::c can't overwrite the target
+           warn "Couldn't copy $from to $to: $!\n"
+               unless -f $to and (chmod(0666, $to), unlink $to)
+                       and File::Copy::copy($from, $to) and ++$success;
+       }
+       $packlist->{$xto} = { type => 'file' };
+    }
+    $success;
+sub chmod {
+    my($mode,$name) = @_;
+    return if ($^O eq 'dos');
+    printf "  chmod %o %s\n", $mode, $name if $opts{verbose};
+    CORE::chmod($mode,$name)
+       || warn sprintf("Couldn't chmod %o %s: $!\n", $mode, $name)
+      unless $opts{notify};
+sub samepath {
+    my($p1, $p2) = @_;
+    return (lc($p1) eq lc($p2)) if ($Is_W32 || $Is_NetWare);
+    if ($p1 ne $p2) {
+       my($dev1, $ino1, $dev2, $ino2);
+       ($dev1, $ino1) = stat($p1);
+       ($dev2, $ino2) = stat($p2);
+       ($dev1 == $dev2 && $ino1 == $ino2);
+    }
+    else {
+       1;
+    }

==== //depot/maint-5.10/perl/installman#2 (xtext) ====
Index: perl/installman
--- perl/installman#1~32694~    2007-12-22 01:23:09.000000000 -0800
+++ perl/installman     2008-05-30 17:29:21.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,50 +1,23 @@
 #!./perl -w
-BEGIN { @INC = qw(lib) }
-use strict;
-    use Config;
-    if ($Config{userelocatableinc}) {
-       # This might be a considered a hack. Need to get information about the
-       # configuration from *before* expands any .../
-       # prefixes.
-       #
-       # So we set $^X to pretend that we're the already installed perl, so
-       # doesits ... expansion off that location.
-       my $location = $Config{initialinstalllocation};
-       die <<'OS' unless defined $location;
-$Config{initialinstalllocation} is not defined - can't install a relocatable
-perl without this.
-       $^X = "$location/perl";
-       # And then remove all trace of ever having loaded, so that
-       # it will reload with the revised $^X
-       undef %Config::;
-       delete $INC{""};
-       delete $INC{""};
-       # You never saw us. We weren't here.
-    }
+    @INC = qw(lib);
+    # This needs to be at BEGIN time, before any use of Config
+    require './';
+use strict;
-use Config;
 use Getopt::Long;
 use File::Find;
 use File::Copy;
 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
 use ExtUtils::Packlist;
 use Pod::Man;
-use subs qw(unlink chmod rename link);
-use vars qw($packlist);
-if ($Config{d_umask}) {
-    umask(022); # umasks like 077 aren't that useful for installations
+use vars qw($Is_VMS $Is_W32 $Is_OS2 $Is_Cygwin $Is_Darwin $Is_NetWare
+           %opts $packlist);
 $ENV{SHELL} = 'sh' if $^O eq 'os2';
-my $ver = $Config{version};     # Not used presently.
-my $release = substr($],0,3);   # Not used presently.
 my $patchlevel = substr($],3,2);
 die "Patchlevel of perl ($patchlevel)",
     "and patchlevel of ($Config{'PERL_VERSION'}) don't match\n"
@@ -64,7 +37,6 @@
         --verbose (or -V) report all progress.
         --silent  (or -S) be silent. Only report errors.\n";
-my %opts;
 GetOptions( \%opts,
             qw( man1dir=s man1ext=s man3dir=s man3ext=s batchlimit=i
                 destdir:s notify n help silent S verbose V)) 
@@ -72,14 +44,10 @@
 die $usage if $opts{help};
 $opts{destdir} //= '';
-$opts{man1dir} = "$opts{destdir}$Config{'installman1dir'}"
-    unless defined($opts{man1dir}); 
-$opts{man1ext} = $Config{'man1ext'}
-    unless defined($opts{man1ext}); 
-$opts{man3dir} = "$opts{destdir}$Config{'installman3dir'}"
-    unless defined($opts{man3dir}); 
-$opts{man3ext} = $Config{'man3ext'}
-    unless defined($opts{man3ext}); 
+foreach my $pre (qw(man1 man3)) {
+    $opts{"${pre}dir"} //= $opts{destdir} . $Config{"install${pre}dir"};
+    $opts{"${pre}ext"} //= $Config{"${pre}ext"};
 $opts{silent} ||= $opts{S};
 $opts{notify} ||= $opts{n};
 $opts{verbose} ||= $opts{V} || $opts{notify};
@@ -234,45 +202,6 @@
 exit 0;
-# Utility subroutines from installperl
-sub unlink {
-    my(@names) = @_;
-    my $cnt = 0;
-    foreach my $name (@names) {
-       next unless -e $name;
-       chmod 0777, $name if $^O eq 'os2';
-       print "  unlink $name\n" if $opts{verbose};
-       ( CORE::unlink($name) and ++$cnt 
-           or warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n" ) unless $opts{notify};
-    }
-    return $cnt;
-sub link {
-    my($from,$to) = @_;
-    my($success) = 0;
-    print "  ln $from $to\n" if $opts{verbose};
-    eval {
-        CORE::link($from, $to)
-            ? $success++
-            : ($from =~ m#^/afs/# || $to =~ m#^/afs/#)
-              ? die "AFS"  # okay inside eval {}
-              : warn "Couldn't link $from to $to: $!\n"
-          unless $opts{notify};
-    };
-    if ($@) {
-        File::Copy::copy($from, $to)
-            ? $success++
-            : warn "Couldn't copy $from to $to: $!\n"
-          unless $opts{notify};
-    }
-    $success;
 sub rename {
     my($from,$to) = @_;
     if (-f $to and not unlink($to)) {
@@ -286,25 +215,3 @@
     link($from,$to) || return 0;
-sub chmod {
-    my($mode,$name) = @_;
-    printf "  chmod %o %s\n", $mode, $name if $opts{verbose};
-    CORE::chmod($mode,$name) || warn sprintf("Couldn't chmod %o %s: 
-       unless $opts{notify};
-sub samepath {
-    my($p1, $p2) = @_;
-    my($dev1, $ino1, $dev2, $ino2);
-    if ($p1 ne $p2) {
-       ($dev1, $ino1) = stat($p1);
-       ($dev2, $ino2) = stat($p2);
-       ($dev1 == $dev2 && $ino1 == $ino2);
-    }
-    else {
-       1;
-    }

==== //depot/maint-5.10/perl/installperl#5 (xtext) ====
Index: perl/installperl
--- perl/installperl#4~33619~   2008-03-31 14:36:46.000000000 -0700
+++ perl/installperl    2008-05-30 17:29:21.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,49 +1,25 @@
+#!./perl -w
     require 5.004;
     chdir '..' if !-d 'lib' and -d '../lib';
     @INC = 'lib';
     $ENV{PERL5LIB} = 'lib';
-    use Config;
-    if ($Config{userelocatableinc}) {
-       # This might be a considered a hack. Need to get information about the
-       # configuration from *before* expands any .../
-       # prefixes.
-       #
-       # So we set $^X to pretend that we're the already installed perl, so
-       # doesits ... expansion off that location.
-       my $location = $Config{initialinstalllocation};
-       die <<'OS' unless defined $location;
-$Config{initialinstalllocation} is not defined - can't install a relocatable
-perl without this.
-       $^X = "$location/perl";
-       # And then remove all trace of ever having loaded, so that
-       # it will reload with the revised $^X
-       undef %Config::;
-       delete $INC{""};
-       delete $INC{""};
-       # You never saw us. We weren't here.
-    }
+    # This needs to be at BEGIN time, before any use of Config
+    require './';
 use strict;
-my ($Is_VMS, $Is_W32, $Is_OS2, $Is_Cygwin, $Is_Darwin,
-    $nonono, $dostrip, $versiononly, $silent, $verbose, $force,
-    $otherperls, $archname, $Is_NetWare, $nwinstall, $nopods);
+use vars qw($Is_VMS $Is_W32 $Is_OS2 $Is_Cygwin $Is_Darwin $Is_NetWare
+           %opts $packlist);
+my ($dostrip, $versiononly, $force,
+    $otherperls, $archname, $nwinstall, $nopods);
+# Not sure how easy it would be to refactor to remove the need for local $depth
+# below
 use vars qw /$depth/;
-    $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
-    $Is_W32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-    $Is_OS2 = $^O eq 'os2';
-    $Is_Cygwin = $^O eq 'cygwin';
-    $Is_Darwin = $^O eq 'darwin';
     if ($Is_VMS) { eval 'use VMS::Filespec;' }
@@ -55,14 +31,7 @@
 use File::Path ();
 use ExtUtils::Packlist;
 use Cwd;
-use Config;
-use subs qw(unlink link chmod);
-if ($Config{d_umask}) {
-    umask(022); # umasks like 077 aren't that useful for installations
-$Is_NetWare = $Config{osname} eq 'NetWare';
 if ($Is_NetWare) {
     $Is_W32 = 0;
     $scr_ext = '.pl';
@@ -70,13 +39,13 @@
 # override the ones in the rest of the script
 sub mkpath {
-    File::Path::mkpath(@_) unless $nonono;
+    File::Path::mkpath(@_) unless $opts{notify};
 my $mainperldir = "/usr/bin";
 my $exe_ext = $Config{exe_ext};
-# Allow ``make install PERLNAME=something_besides_perl'':
+# Allow "make install PERLNAME=something_besides_perl":
 my $perl = defined($ENV{PERLNAME}) ? $ENV{PERLNAME} : 'perl';
 # This is the base used for versioned names, like "perl5.6.0".
@@ -98,20 +67,21 @@
 $otherperls = 1;
-my $destdir = '';
+# Consider refactoring this to use Getopt::Long once Getopt::Long's planned
+# feature is implemented, to distinguish + and - options.
 while (@ARGV) {
-    $nonono = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-n';
+    $opts{notify} = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-n';
     $dostrip = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-s';
     $versiononly = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-v';
     $versiononly = 0 if $ARGV[0] eq '+v';
-    $silent = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-S';
+    $opts{silent} = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-S';
     $otherperls = 0 if $ARGV[0] eq '-o';
     $force = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-f';
-    $verbose = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-V' || $ARGV [0] eq '-n';
+    $opts{verbose} = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-V' || $ARGV [0] eq '-n';
     $archname = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-A';
     $nwinstall = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-netware';
     $nopods = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-p';
-    $destdir = $1 if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-destdir=(.*)$/;
+    $opts{destdir} = $1 if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-destdir=(.*)$/;
     if ($ARGV[0] eq '-?' or $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-h/) {
        print <<"EOT";
 Usage $0: [switches]
@@ -206,13 +176,13 @@
        if $patchlevel != $Config{'PERL_VERSION'};
 # Fetch some frequently-used items from %Config
-my $installbin = "$destdir$Config{installbin}";
-my $installscript = "$destdir$Config{installscript}";
-my $installprivlib = "$destdir$Config{installprivlib}";
-my $installarchlib = "$destdir$Config{installarchlib}";
-my $installsitelib = "$destdir$Config{installsitelib}";
-my $installsitearch = "$destdir$Config{installsitearch}";
-my $installman1dir = "$destdir$Config{installman1dir}";
+my $installbin = "$opts{destdir}$Config{installbin}";
+my $installscript = "$opts{destdir}$Config{installscript}";
+my $installprivlib = "$opts{destdir}$Config{installprivlib}";
+my $installarchlib = "$opts{destdir}$Config{installarchlib}";
+my $installsitelib = "$opts{destdir}$Config{installsitelib}";
+my $installsitearch = "$opts{destdir}$Config{installsitearch}";
+my $installman1dir = "$opts{destdir}$Config{installman1dir}";
 my $man1ext = $Config{man1ext};
 my $libperl = $Config{libperl};
 # Shared library and dynamic loading suffixes.
@@ -250,13 +220,13 @@
 # Do some quick sanity checks.
-if (!$nonono && $d_dosuid && $>) { die "You must run as root to install 
suidperl\n"; }
+if (!$opts{notify} && $d_dosuid && $>) { die "You must run as root to install 
suidperl\n"; }
    $installbin         || die "No installbin directory in\n";
--d $installbin         || mkpath($installbin, $verbose, 0777);
--d $installbin         || $nonono || die "$installbin is not a directory\n";
--w $installbin         || $nonono || die "$installbin is not writable by you\n"
-       unless $installbin =~ m#^/afs/# || $nonono;
+-d $installbin         || mkpath($installbin, $opts{verbose}, 0777);
+-d $installbin         || $opts{notify} || die "$installbin is not a 
+-w $installbin         || $opts{notify} || die "$installbin is not writable by 
+       unless $installbin =~ m#^/afs/# || $opts{notify};
 if (!$Is_NetWare) {
 if (!$Is_VMS) {
@@ -276,7 +246,7 @@
 } #if (!$Is_NetWare)
 # This will be used to store the packlist
-my $packlist = ExtUtils::Packlist->new("$installarchlib/.packlist");
+$packlist = ExtUtils::Packlist->new("$installarchlib/.packlist");
 if (($Is_W32 and ! $Is_NetWare) or $Is_Cygwin) {
     my $perldll;
@@ -370,10 +340,10 @@
 my ($do_installarchlib, $do_installprivlib) = (0, 0);
 my $vershort = $Is_Cygwin ? substr($ver,0,-2) : $ver;
-mkpath($installprivlib, $verbose, 0777);
-mkpath($installarchlib, $verbose, 0777);
-mkpath($installsitelib, $verbose, 0777) if ($installsitelib);
-mkpath($installsitearch, $verbose, 0777) if ($installsitearch);
+mkpath($installprivlib, $opts{verbose}, 0777);
+mkpath($installarchlib, $opts{verbose}, 0777);
+mkpath($installsitelib, $opts{verbose}, 0777) if ($installsitelib);
+mkpath($installsitearch, $opts{verbose}, 0777) if ($installsitearch);
 if (chdir "lib") {
     $do_installarchlib = ! samepath($installarchlib, '.');
@@ -390,7 +360,7 @@
 # Install header files and libraries.
-mkpath("$installarchlib/CORE", $verbose, 0777);
+mkpath("$installarchlib/CORE", $opts{verbose}, 0777);
 my @corefiles;
 if ($Is_VMS) {  # We did core file selection during build
     my $coredir = "lib/$Config{archname}/$ver/CORE";
@@ -405,7 +375,7 @@
     push(@corefiles,'perl.exp') if $^O eq 'aix';
     if ($^O eq 'mpeix') {
        # MPE needs mpeixish.h installed as well.
-       mkpath("$installarchlib/CORE/mpeix", $verbose, 0777);
+       mkpath("$installarchlib/CORE/mpeix", $opts{verbose}, 0777);
     # If they have built sperl.o...
@@ -469,7 +439,7 @@
 my $mainperl_is_instperl = 0;
 if ($Config{installusrbinperl} && $Config{installusrbinperl} eq 'define' &&
-    !$versiononly && !$nonono && !$Is_W32 && !$Is_NetWare && !$Is_VMS && -t 
+    !$versiononly && !$opts{notify} && !$Is_W32 && !$Is_NetWare && !$Is_VMS && 
        && -w $mainperldir && ! samepath($mainperldir, $installbin)) {
     my($usrbinperl)    = "$mainperldir/$perl$exe_ext";
     my($instperl)      = "$installbin/$perl$exe_ext";
@@ -537,7 +507,7 @@
 # Install scripts.
-mkpath($installscript, $verbose, 0777);
+mkpath($installscript, $opts{verbose}, 0777);
 if ($versiononly) {
     for (@scripts) {
        (my $base = $_) =~ s#.*/##;
@@ -572,7 +542,7 @@
 my $pod = ($Is_Cygwin || $Is_Darwin || $Is_VMS || $Is_W32) ? 'pods' : 'pod';
 if ( !$versiononly || ($installprivlib =~ m/\Q$vershort/)) {
-    mkpath("${installprivlib}/$pod", $verbose, 0777);
+    mkpath("${installprivlib}/$pod", $opts{verbose}, 0777);
     # If Perl 5.003's perldiag.pod is there, rename it.
     if (open POD, "${installprivlib}/$pod/perldiag.pod") {
@@ -585,7 +555,7 @@
            print "  rename $from $to";
            rename($from, $to)
                or warn "Couldn't rename $from to $to: $!\n"
-               unless $nonono;
+               unless $opts{notify};
@@ -640,13 +610,16 @@
-$packlist->write() unless $nonono;
-print "  Installation complete\n" if $verbose;
+$packlist->write() unless $opts{notify};
+print "  Installation complete\n" if $opts{verbose};
 exit 0;
+# If these are needed elsewhere, move them into rather than
+# copying them.
 sub yn {
     my($prompt) = @_;
@@ -657,33 +630,17 @@
     ($answer =~ m/^[yY]/);
-sub unlink {
-    my(@names) = @_;
-    my($cnt) = 0;
-    return scalar(@names) if $Is_VMS;
-    foreach my $name (@names) {
-       next unless -e $name;
-       chmod 0777, $name if ($Is_OS2 || $Is_W32 || $Is_Cygwin || $Is_NetWare);
-       print "  unlink $name\n" if $verbose;
-       ( CORE::unlink($name) and ++$cnt
-         or warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n" ) unless $nonono;
-    }
-    return $cnt;
 sub safe_unlink {
-    return if $nonono or $Is_VMS;
+    return if $opts{notify} or $Is_VMS;
     my @names = @_;
     foreach my $name (@names) {
        next unless -e $name;
        chmod 0777, $name if ($Is_OS2 || $Is_W32 || $Is_NetWare);
-       print "  unlink $name\n" if $verbose;
+       print "  unlink $name\n" if $opts{verbose};
        next if CORE::unlink($name);
        warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n";
        if ($! =~ /busy/i) {
-           print "  mv $name $name.old\n" if $verbose;
+           print "  mv $name $name.old\n" if $opts{verbose};
            safe_rename($name, "$name.old")
                or warn "Couldn't rename $name: $!\n";
@@ -704,58 +661,16 @@
-sub link {
-    my($from,$to) = @_;
-    my($success) = 0;
-    my $xfrom = $from;
-    $xfrom =~ s/^\Q$destdir\E// if $destdir;
-    my $xto = $to;
-    $xto =~ s/^\Q$destdir\E// if $destdir;
-    print $verbose ? "  ln $xfrom $xto\n" : "  $xto\n" unless $silent;
-    eval {
-       CORE::link($from, $to)
-           ? $success++
-           : ($from =~ m#^/afs/# || $to =~ m#^/afs/#)
-             ? die "AFS"  # okay inside eval {}
-             : die "Couldn't link $from to $to: $!\n"
-         unless $nonono;
-       $packlist->{$xto} = { from => $xfrom, type => 'link' };
-    };
-    if ($@) {
-       warn "Replacing link() with File::Copy::copy(): $@";
-       print $verbose ? "  cp $from $xto\n" : "  $xto\n" unless $silent;
-       print "  creating new version of $xto\n"
-                if $Is_VMS and -e $to and !$silent;
-       unless ($nonono or File::Copy::copy($from, $to) and ++$success) {
-           # Might have been that F::C::c can't overwrite the target
-           warn "Couldn't copy $from to $to: $!\n"
-               unless -f $to and (chmod(0666, $to), unlink $to)
-                       and File::Copy::copy($from, $to) and ++$success;
-       }
-       $packlist->{$xto} = { type => 'file' };
-    }
-    $success;
-sub chmod {
-    my($mode,$name) = @_;
-    return if ($^O eq 'dos');
-    printf "  chmod %o %s\n", $mode, $name if $verbose;
-    CORE::chmod($mode,$name)
-       || warn sprintf("Couldn't chmod %o %s: $!\n", $mode, $name)
-      unless $nonono;
 sub copy {
     my($from,$to) = @_;
     my $xto = $to;
-    $xto =~ s/^\Q$destdir\E// if $destdir;
-    print $verbose ? "  cp $from $xto\n" : "  $xto\n" unless $silent;
-    print "  creating new version of $xto\n" if $Is_VMS and -e $to and 
-    unless ($nonono or File::Copy::copy($from, $to)) {
+    $xto =~ s/^\Q$opts{destdir}\E// if $opts{destdir};
+    print $opts{verbose} ? "  cp $from $xto\n" : "  $xto\n"
+       unless $opts{silent};
+    print "  creating new version of $xto\n"
+       if $Is_VMS and -e $to and !$opts{silent};
+    unless ($opts{notify} or File::Copy::copy($from, $to)) {
        # Might have been that F::C::c can't overwrite the target
        warn "Couldn't copy $from to $to: $!\n"
            unless -f $to and (chmod(0666, $to), unlink $to)
@@ -764,22 +679,6 @@
     $packlist->{$xto} = { type => 'file' };
-sub samepath {
-    my($p1, $p2) = @_;
-    return (lc($p1) eq lc($p2)) if ($Is_W32 || $Is_NetWare);
-    if ($p1 ne $p2) {
-       my($dev1, $ino1, $dev2, $ino2);
-       ($dev1, $ino1) = stat($p1);
-       ($dev2, $ino2) = stat($p2);
-       ($dev1 == $dev2 && $ino1 == $ino2);
-    }
-    else {
-       1;
-    }
 sub installlib {
     my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
     $dir =~ s#^\.(?![^/])/?##;
@@ -851,11 +750,11 @@
        my $xname = "$installlib/$name";
-       $xname =~ s/^\Q$destdir\E// if $destdir;
+       $xname =~ s/^\Q$opts{destdir}\E// if $opts{destdir};
        $packlist->{$xname} = { type => 'file' };
-       if ($force || compare($_, "$installlib/$name") || $nonono) {
+       if ($force || compare($_, "$installlib/$name") || $opts{notify}) {
-           mkpath("$installlib/$dir", $verbose, 0777);
+           mkpath("$installlib/$dir", $opts{verbose}, 0777);
            # HP-UX (at least) needs to maintain execute permissions
            # on dynamically-loaded libraries.
            if ($Is_NetWare && !$nwinstall) {
@@ -898,7 +797,7 @@
     my($from,$to)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
     return 1 if (($^O eq 'VMS') && (-d $from));
     my $xto = $to;
-    $xto =~ s/^\Q$destdir\E// if $destdir;
+    $xto =~ s/^\Q$opts{destdir}\E// if $opts{destdir};
     my $perlpodbadsymlink;
     if ($from =~ m!^pod/perl[\w-]+\.pod$! &&
        -l $from &&
@@ -912,9 +811,9 @@
     -f $from || $perlpodbadsymlink || warn "$0: $from not found";
     $packlist->{$xto} = { type => 'file' };
-    if ($force || compare($from, $to) || $nonono) {
+    if ($force || compare($from, $to) || $opts{notify}) {
        safe_unlink($to);   # In case we don't have write permissions.
-       if ($nonono) {
+       if ($opts{notify}) {
            $from = $depth . "/" . $from if $depth;
        if ($perlpodbadsymlink && $from =~ m!^pod/perl(.+)\.pod$!) {
@@ -922,7 +821,7 @@
        copy($from, $to);
        # Restore timestamps if it's a .a library or for OS/2.
-       if (!$nonono && ($Is_OS2 || $to =~ /\.a$/)) {
+       if (!$opts{notify} && ($Is_OS2 || $to =~ /\.a$/)) {
            my ($atime, $mtime) = (stat $from)[8,9];
            utime $atime, $mtime, $to;
@@ -943,14 +842,14 @@
     foreach my $file (@args) {
        if (-f $file) {
-           if ($verbose) {
+           if ($opts{verbose}) {
                print "  strip " . join(' ', @opts);
                print " " if (@opts);
                print "$file\n";
            system("strip", @opts, $file);
        } else {
-           print "# file '$file' skipped\n" if $verbose;
+           print "# file '$file' skipped\n" if $opts{verbose};

==== //depot/maint-5.10/perl/pod/perltodo.pod#11 (text) ====
Index: perl/pod/perltodo.pod
--- perl/pod/perltodo.pod#10~33884~     2008-05-20 08:07:58.000000000 -0700
+++ perl/pod/perltodo.pod       2008-05-30 17:29:21.000000000 -0700
@@ -30,15 +30,6 @@
 into a file, change it to build an C<%Is> hash and require it.  Maybe just put
 it into F<>. Throw in the handy tainting subroutines.
-=head2 merge common code in installperl and installman
-There are some common subroutines and a common C<BEGIN> block in F<installperl>
-and F<installman>. These should probably be merged. It would also be good to
-check for duplication in all the utility scripts supplied in the source
-tarball. It might be good to move them all to a subdirectory, but this would
-require careful checking to find all places that call them, and change those
 =head2 common test code for timed bail out
 Write portable self destruct code for tests to stop them burning CPU in
End of Patch.

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