In perl.git, the branch smoke-me/arc/rt126813-data-dumper-trailingcomma has 
been created


        at  f7c7cf019e72109d7d2b0f1b3bc36207291ff7a0 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit f7c7cf019e72109d7d2b0f1b3bc36207291ff7a0
Author: Aaron Crane <>
Date:   Mon Dec 7 22:49:19 2015 +0000

    Data::Dumper: add Trailingcomma option
    This is as suggested in RT#126813.
    The refactoring to use a structure for the style variables has now paid off:
    the additional variable is mentioned only where it's directly relevant,
    rather than needing to be passed explicitly to every recursive call.

M       dist/Data-Dumper/
M       dist/Data-Dumper/Dumper.xs
A       dist/Data-Dumper/t/trailing_comma.t

commit cb4f1632f7865631f0ef000c620b1e45eea2768d
Author: Aaron Crane <>
Date:   Tue Dec 8 15:03:28 2015 +0000

    Data::Dumper: replace pointer with local variable
    The recursive dumping function uses a "level" variable to keep track of how
    deep in the data structure it is. Previously, this variable was allocated on
    the stack at the top level, and a pointer to that stack variable was passed
    to each recursive invocation. Each recursive step was careful to increment
    and decrement the pointed-to value at the right time. The consequence of
    this approach is that understanding what's going involves mentally tracking
    this state throughout the entire thousand-line function.
    This change therefore replaces that pointer-to-mutable-int with a plain int
    parameter; when the dumper invokes itself recursively, it simply adds one to
    the level as needed. This seems much simpler to me.
    This may also be faster: not only is the pointer indirection removed for
    accesses to the variable, but on platforms where pointers are wider than I32
    (including typical 64-bit systems), less memory is used on the stack for the
    call frames.

M       dist/Data-Dumper/Dumper.xs

commit d7764d2f666bda3e5092595a3bc59d9d6e40e0c7
Author: Aaron Crane <>
Date:   Tue Dec 8 14:42:43 2015 +0000

    Data::Dumper: move sortkeys setting into style struct
    On Perl 5.6, there is no sortsv() function available to XS code, so
    Data::Dumper used a Perl helper function. The name of that helper function
    was allocated as a (mortal) SV, but that was done lazily, the first time the
    helper was needed. This meant that the "sortkeys" C variable was mutable,
    and therefore it couldn't be easily moved to the struct.
    I think it's a better trade-off to allocate the SV in all cases under 5.6:
    when dumping a data structure containing no hashes, we now allocate this SV
    unnecessarily, but we save an extra pointer on the stack in every recursive
    call frame.
    In addition, Data::Dumper doesn't currently work on 5.6, so this change
    certainly doesn't make anything any worse. I've nonetheless attempted to
    restore 5.6 compatibility in this narrow area surrounding the sortkeys
    option: in particular, a sortsv() call appeared in code that was compiled
    under 5.6, but has now been moved to a block that's compiled only under
    later Perls. I haven't been able to test this change on 5.6, though.

M       dist/Data-Dumper/Dumper.xs

commit 8363228285ab90c4c63cda3f96e0a4a28e843def
Author: Aaron Crane <>
Date:   Tue Dec 8 11:56:18 2015 +0000

    Data::Dumper: reorder elements of style struct
    Putting all the pointers and pointer-sized integers together at the start of
    the struct reduces the amount of wasted space on platforms where pointers
    are wider than ints. In particular, this should reduce the size of the style
    struct by eight bytes on typical 64-bit configurations.

M       dist/Data-Dumper/Dumper.xs

commit 5d336c455966e3b9ecf84c830cdff217735243b7
Author: Aaron Crane <>
Date:   Tue Dec 8 11:31:43 2015 +0000

    Data::Dumper: refactor XS implementation
    The are over a dozen variables that control the specifics of how 
    generates output, almost all of which remain unchanged while dumping a 
    set of objects. The previous implementation passed each of those control
    variables as a separate argument to the recursive DD_dump() function, which
    meant that DD_dump() took over two dozen parameters. This is already far
    beyond what seems reasonable, and the problem will only get worse in future
    as Data::Dumper acquires more features.
    This refactoring therefore extracts most of those style variables into a
    struct, and passes it to the recursive calls as a pointer-to-const. This is
    clearly of huge benefit for maintainability. In addition, it seems plausible
    that it will make dumping slightly faster, especially for deeply-nested data
    structures: requiring every recursive call to have its own copy of
    them on the stack meant that every call frame would take up more than a
    single cache line of stack space even on 32-bit platforms. Putting them all
    in a single struct means that this space is used only once per dump instead.
    "If you have a procedure with 10 parameters, you probably missed some."
    —Alan Perlis, Epigrams on Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 17 (9), 
    1982, pp. 7–13.

M       dist/Data-Dumper/
M       dist/Data-Dumper/Dumper.xs

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