In perl.git, the branch smoke-me/khw-encode has been updated


- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e93aebae401b4b9c532d7141e735d6fd348a3ec2
Author: Karl Williamson <>
Date:   Mon May 28 14:05:22 2018 -0600

    include ppport.h

commit d7c93e5ac7933d85f9d668ee7ae57ece128e3cbd
Author: Karl Williamson <>
Date:   Mon May 28 13:52:53 2018 -0600

    encengine.c: Fix typo in comment


Summary of changes:
 cpan/Encode/encengine.c |    2 +-
 cpan/Encode/ppport.h    | 8214 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 8215 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 cpan/Encode/ppport.h

diff --git a/cpan/Encode/encengine.c b/cpan/Encode/encengine.c
index 67613a89e3..a913b2ae96 100644
--- a/cpan/Encode/encengine.c
+++ b/cpan/Encode/encengine.c
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The process can be considered as pseudo perl:
 my $dst = '';
 while (length($src))
-  my $size    = $count($src);
+  my $size    = src_count($src);
   my $in_seq  = substr($src,0,$size,'');
   my $out_seq = $s2d_hash{$in_seq};
   if (defined $out_seq)
diff --git a/cpan/Encode/ppport.h b/cpan/Encode/ppport.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a585989bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Encode/ppport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8214 @@
+#if 0
+    ppport.h -- Perl/Pollution/Portability Version 3.40
+    Automatically created by Devel::PPPort running under perl 5.028000.
+    Do NOT edit this file directly! -- Edit PPPort_pm.PL and the
+    includes in parts/inc/ instead.
+    Use 'perldoc ppport.h' to view the documentation below.
+=head1 NAME
+ppport.h - Perl/Pollution/Portability version 3.40
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  perl ppport.h [options] [source files]
+  Searches current directory for files if no [source files] are given
+  --help                      show short help
+  --version                   show version
+  --patch=file                write one patch file with changes
+  --copy=suffix               write changed copies with suffix
+  --diff=program              use diff program and options
+  --compat-version=version    provide compatibility with Perl version
+  --cplusplus                 accept C++ comments
+  --quiet                     don't output anything except fatal errors
+  --nodiag                    don't show diagnostics
+  --nohints                   don't show hints
+  --nochanges                 don't suggest changes
+  --nofilter                  don't filter input files
+  --strip                     strip all script and doc functionality
+                              from ppport.h
+  --list-provided             list provided API
+  --list-unsupported          list unsupported API
+  --api-info=name             show Perl API portability information
+This version of F<ppport.h> is designed to support operation with Perl
+installations back to 5.003, and has been tested up to 5.20.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=head2 --help
+Display a brief usage summary.
+=head2 --version
+Display the version of F<ppport.h>.
+=head2 --patch=I<file>
+If this option is given, a single patch file will be created if
+any changes are suggested. This requires a working diff program
+to be installed on your system.
+=head2 --copy=I<suffix>
+If this option is given, a copy of each file will be saved with
+the given suffix that contains the suggested changes. This does
+not require any external programs. Note that this does not
+automagically add a dot between the original filename and the
+suffix. If you want the dot, you have to include it in the option
+If neither C<--patch> or C<--copy> are given, the default is to
+simply print the diffs for each file. This requires either
+C<Text::Diff> or a C<diff> program to be installed.
+=head2 --diff=I<program>
+Manually set the diff program and options to use. The default
+is to use C<Text::Diff>, when installed, and output unified
+context diffs.
+=head2 --compat-version=I<version>
+Tell F<ppport.h> to check for compatibility with the given
+Perl version. The default is to check for compatibility with Perl
+version 5.003. You can use this option to reduce the output
+of F<ppport.h> if you intend to be backward compatible only
+down to a certain Perl version.
+=head2 --cplusplus
+Usually, F<ppport.h> will detect C++ style comments and
+replace them with C style comments for portability reasons.
+Using this option instructs F<ppport.h> to leave C++
+comments untouched.
+=head2 --quiet
+Be quiet. Don't print anything except fatal errors.
+=head2 --nodiag
+Don't output any diagnostic messages. Only portability
+alerts will be printed.
+=head2 --nohints
+Don't output any hints. Hints often contain useful portability
+notes. Warnings will still be displayed.
+=head2 --nochanges
+Don't suggest any changes. Only give diagnostic output and hints
+unless these are also deactivated.
+=head2 --nofilter
+Don't filter the list of input files. By default, files not looking
+like source code (i.e. not *.xs, *.c, *.cc, *.cpp or *.h) are skipped.
+=head2 --strip
+Strip all script and documentation functionality from F<ppport.h>.
+This reduces the size of F<ppport.h> dramatically and may be useful
+if you want to include F<ppport.h> in smaller modules without
+increasing their distribution size too much.
+The stripped F<ppport.h> will have a C<--unstrip> option that allows
+you to undo the stripping, but only if an appropriate C<Devel::PPPort>
+module is installed.
+=head2 --list-provided
+Lists the API elements for which compatibility is provided by
+F<ppport.h>. Also lists if it must be explicitly requested,
+if it has dependencies, and if there are hints or warnings for it.
+=head2 --list-unsupported
+Lists the API elements that are known not to be supported by
+F<ppport.h> and below which version of Perl they probably
+won't be available or work.
+=head2 --api-info=I<name>
+Show portability information for API elements matching I<name>.
+If I<name> is surrounded by slashes, it is interpreted as a regular
+In order for a Perl extension (XS) module to be as portable as possible
+across differing versions of Perl itself, certain steps need to be taken.
+=over 4
+=item *
+Including this header is the first major one. This alone will give you
+access to a large part of the Perl API that hasn't been available in
+earlier Perl releases. Use
+    perl ppport.h --list-provided
+to see which API elements are provided by ppport.h.
+=item *
+You should avoid using deprecated parts of the API. For example, using
+global Perl variables without the C<PL_> prefix is deprecated. Also,
+some API functions used to have a C<perl_> prefix. Using this form is
+also deprecated. You can safely use the supported API, as F<ppport.h>
+will provide wrappers for older Perl versions.
+=item *
+If you use one of a few functions or variables that were not present in
+earlier versions of Perl, and that can't be provided using a macro, you
+have to explicitly request support for these functions by adding one or
+more C<#define>s in your source code before the inclusion of F<ppport.h>.
+These functions or variables will be marked C<explicit> in the list shown
+by C<--list-provided>.
+Depending on whether you module has a single or multiple files that
+use such functions or variables, you want either C<static> or global
+For a C<static> function or variable (used only in a single source
+file), use:
+    #define NEED_function
+    #define NEED_variable
+For a global function or variable (used in multiple source files),
+    #define NEED_function_GLOBAL
+    #define NEED_variable_GLOBAL
+Note that you mustn't have more than one global request for the
+same function or variable in your project.
+    Function / Variable       Static Request               Global Request
+    PL_parser                 NEED_PL_parser               
+    PL_signals                NEED_PL_signals              
+    SvRX()                    NEED_SvRX                    NEED_SvRX_GLOBAL
+    caller_cx()               NEED_caller_cx               
+    croak_xs_usage()          NEED_croak_xs_usage          
+    die_sv()                  NEED_die_sv                  NEED_die_sv_GLOBAL
+    eval_pv()                 NEED_eval_pv                 NEED_eval_pv_GLOBAL
+    grok_bin()                NEED_grok_bin                NEED_grok_bin_GLOBAL
+    grok_hex()                NEED_grok_hex                NEED_grok_hex_GLOBAL
+    grok_number()             NEED_grok_number             
+    grok_numeric_radix()      NEED_grok_numeric_radix      
+    grok_oct()                NEED_grok_oct                NEED_grok_oct_GLOBAL
+    gv_fetchpvn_flags()       NEED_gv_fetchpvn_flags       
+    load_module()             NEED_load_module             
+    mess()                    NEED_mess                    NEED_mess_GLOBAL
+    mess_nocontext()          NEED_mess_nocontext          
+    mess_sv()                 NEED_mess_sv                 NEED_mess_sv_GLOBAL
+    mg_findext()              NEED_mg_findext              
+    my_snprintf()             NEED_my_snprintf             
+    my_sprintf()              NEED_my_sprintf              
+    my_strlcat()              NEED_my_strlcat              
+    my_strlcpy()              NEED_my_strlcpy              
+    newCONSTSUB()             NEED_newCONSTSUB             
+    newRV_noinc()             NEED_newRV_noinc             
+    newSV_type()              NEED_newSV_type              
+    newSVpvn_flags()          NEED_newSVpvn_flags          
+    newSVpvn_share()          NEED_newSVpvn_share          
+    pv_display()              NEED_pv_display              
+    pv_escape()               NEED_pv_escape               
+    pv_pretty()               NEED_pv_pretty               
+    sv_2pv_flags()            NEED_sv_2pv_flags            
+    sv_2pvbyte()              NEED_sv_2pvbyte              
+    sv_catpvf_mg()            NEED_sv_catpvf_mg            
+    sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext()  NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext  
+    sv_pvn_force_flags()      NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags      
+    sv_setpvf_mg()            NEED_sv_setpvf_mg            
+    sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext()  NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext  
+    sv_unmagicext()           NEED_sv_unmagicext           
+    vload_module()            NEED_vload_module            
+    vmess()                   NEED_vmess                   NEED_vmess_GLOBAL
+    vnewSVpvf()               NEED_vnewSVpvf               
+    warner()                  NEED_warner                  NEED_warner_GLOBAL
+To avoid namespace conflicts, you can change the namespace of the
+explicitly exported functions / variables using the C<DPPP_NAMESPACE>
+macro. Just C<#define> the macro before including C<ppport.h>:
+    #define DPPP_NAMESPACE MyOwnNamespace_
+    #include "ppport.h"
+The default namespace is C<DPPP_>.
+The good thing is that most of the above can be checked by running
+F<ppport.h> on your source code. See the next section for
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+To verify whether F<ppport.h> is needed for your module, whether you
+should make any changes to your code, and whether any special defines
+should be used, F<ppport.h> can be run as a Perl script to check your
+source code. Simply say:
+    perl ppport.h
+The result will usually be a list of patches suggesting changes
+that should at least be acceptable, if not necessarily the most
+efficient solution, or a fix for all possible problems.
+If you know that your XS module uses features only available in
+newer Perl releases, if you're aware that it uses C++ comments,
+and if you want all suggestions as a single patch file, you could
+use something like this:
+    perl ppport.h --compat-version=5.6.0 --cplusplus --patch=test.diff
+If you only want your code to be scanned without any suggestions
+for changes, use:
+    perl ppport.h --nochanges
+You can specify a different C<diff> program or options, using
+the C<--diff> option:
+    perl ppport.h --diff='diff -C 10'
+This would output context diffs with 10 lines of context.
+If you want to create patched copies of your files instead, use:
+    perl ppport.h
+To display portability information for the C<newSVpvn> function,
+    perl ppport.h --api-info=newSVpvn
+Since the argument to C<--api-info> can be a regular expression,
+you can use
+    perl ppport.h --api-info=/_nomg$/
+to display portability information for all C<_nomg> functions or
+    perl ppport.h --api-info=/./
+to display information for all known API elements.
+=head1 BUGS
+If this version of F<ppport.h> is causing failure during
+the compilation of this module, please check if newer versions
+of either this module or C<Devel::PPPort> are available on CPAN
+before sending a bug report.
+If F<ppport.h> was generated using the latest version of
+C<Devel::PPPort> and is causing failure of this module, please
+send a bug report to L<|>.
+Please include the following information:
+=over 4
+=item 1.
+The complete output from running "perl -V"
+=item 2.
+This file.
+=item 3.
+The name and version of the module you were trying to build.
+=item 4.
+A full log of the build that failed.
+=item 5.
+Any other information that you think could be relevant.
+For the latest version of this code, please get the C<Devel::PPPort>
+module from CPAN.
+Version 3.x, Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
+Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess.
+Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+See L<Devel::PPPort>.
+use strict;
+# Disable broken TRIE-optimization
+BEGIN { eval '${^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF} = -1' if $] >= 5.009004 && $] <= 5.009005 }
+my $VERSION = 3.40;
+my %opt = (
+  quiet     => 0,
+  diag      => 1,
+  hints     => 1,
+  changes   => 1,
+  cplusplus => 0,
+  filter    => 1,
+  strip     => 0,
+  version   => 0,
+my($ppport) = $0 =~ /([\w.]+)$/;
+my $LF = '(?:\r\n|[\r\n])';   # line feed
+my $HS = "[ \t]";             # horizontal whitespace
+# Never use C comments in this file!
+my $ccs  = '/'.'*';
+my $cce  = '*'.'/';
+my $rccs = quotemeta $ccs;
+my $rcce = quotemeta $cce;
+eval {
+  require Getopt::Long;
+  Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%opt, qw(
+    help quiet diag! filter! hints! changes! cplusplus strip version
+    patch=s copy=s diff=s compat-version=s
+    list-provided list-unsupported api-info=s
+  )) or usage();
+if ($@ and grep /^-/, @ARGV) {
+  usage() if "@ARGV" =~ /^--?h(?:elp)?$/;
+  die "Getopt::Long not found. Please don't use any options.\n";
+if ($opt{version}) {
+  print "This is $0 $VERSION.\n";
+  exit 0;
+usage() if $opt{help};
+strip() if $opt{strip};
+if (exists $opt{'compat-version'}) {
+  my($r,$v,$s) = eval { parse_version($opt{'compat-version'}) };
+  if ($@) {
+    die "Invalid version number format: '$opt{'compat-version'}'\n";
+  }
+  die "Only Perl 5 is supported\n" if $r != 5;
+  die "Invalid version number: $opt{'compat-version'}\n" if $v >= 1000 || $s 
>= 1000;
+  $opt{'compat-version'} = sprintf "%d.%03d%03d", $r, $v, $s;
+else {
+  $opt{'compat-version'} = 5;
+my %API = map { /^(\w+)\|([^|]*)\|([^|]*)\|(\w*)$/
+                ? ( $1 => {
+                      ($2                  ? ( base     => $2 ) : ()),
+                      ($3                  ? ( todo     => $3 ) : ()),
+                      (index($4, 'v') >= 0 ? ( varargs  => 1  ) : ()),
+                      (index($4, 'p') >= 0 ? ( provided => 1  ) : ()),
+                      (index($4, 'n') >= 0 ? ( nothxarg => 1  ) : ()),
+                    } )
+                : die "invalid spec: $_" } qw(
... 6254 lines suppressed ...

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