In perl.git, the branch blead has been updated


- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 5c0551aafb45d343b720500fd9560ffedd9607fa
Author: Tony Cook <>
Date:   Wed Sep 26 11:12:34 2018 +1000

    (perl #126760) adapt sigtrap for layers on STDERR.
    sigtrap defines a signal handler apparently intended to be called
    under unsafe signals, since a) the code was written before safe
    signals were implemented and b) it uses syswrite() for output and
    avoid creating new SVs where it can.
    Unfortunately syswrite() doesn't handle PerlIO layers, *and* with
    syswrite() being disallowed for :utf8 handlers, throws an exception.
    This causes the sigtrap tests to fail if PERL_UNICODE is set and the
    current locale is a UTF-8 locale.
    I want to avoid allocating new SVs until the point where the code
    originally did so, so the code now attempts a syswrite() under
    eval, falling back to print, and then at the point where the original
    code started allocating SVs uses PerlIO::get_layers() to check if
    any layers might make a difference to the output.

commit 1ed4b7762a858fb9c71bc209fe868060f3774cb5
Author: Tony Cook <>
Date:   Tue Sep 25 11:18:40 2018 +1000

    (perl #125760) fatalize sysread/syswrite/recv/send on :utf8 handles
    This includes removing the :utf8 logic from pp_syswrite.  pp_sysread
    retains it, since it's also used for read().
    Tests that are specifically testing the behaviour against :utf8
    handles have been removed (eg in lib/open.t), several other tests
    that incidentally used those functions on :utf8 handles have been
    adapted to use :raw handles instead (eg. op/readline.t).
    Test lib/sigtrap.t fails if STDERR is :utf8, in code from the
    original 5.000 commit, which is intended to run in a signal handler


Summary of changes:
 cpan/autodie/t/recv.t |   3 ++
 lib/open.t            | 122 +-------------------------------------------------
 lib/        |  56 +++++++++++++++++++----
 pod/perldiag.pod      |  17 +++----
 pod/perlfunc.pod      |  33 ++++----------
 pp_sys.c              |  80 ++++++---------------------------
 t/io/utf8.t           |  14 +++---
 t/lib/croak/pp_sys    |  20 +++++++++
 t/lib/warnings/pp_sys |  24 ----------
 t/op/gmagic.t         |   9 ----
 t/op/readline.t       |  10 ++---
 t/op/sysio.t          |  28 +-----------
 t/uni/overload.t      |   6 +--
 t/uni/readline.t      |   3 +-
 14 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 308 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cpan/autodie/t/recv.t b/cpan/autodie/t/recv.t
index f67b2f8187..97c7a4360d 100644
--- a/cpan/autodie/t/recv.t
+++ b/cpan/autodie/t/recv.t
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
 my ($sock1, $sock2);
 socketpair($sock1, $sock2, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
+binmode $sock1;
+binmode $sock2;
 my $buffer;
 send($sock1, "xyz", 0);
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ SKIP: {
 eval {
     my $string = "now is the time...";
     open(my $fh, '<', \$string) or die("Can't open \$string for read");
+    binmode $fh;
     # $fh isn't a socket, so this should fail.
diff --git a/lib/open.t b/lib/open.t
index 5150c7f8a2..fa17f1a97c 100644
--- a/lib/open.t
+++ b/lib/open.t
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ BEGIN {
        require './';
-plan 23;
+plan 11;
 # open::import expects 'open' as its first argument, but it clashes with open()
 sub import {
@@ -61,126 +61,6 @@ is( ${^OPEN}, ":raw :crlf\0:raw :crlf",
        'should set multi types, multi layer' );
 is( $^H{'open_IO'}, 'crlf', 'should record last layer set in %^H' );
-SKIP: {
-    skip("no perlio, no :utf8", 12) unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio');
-    eval <<EOE;
-    use open ':utf8';
-    open(O, ">utf8");
-    print O chr(0x100);
-    close O;
-    open(I, "<utf8");
-    is(ord(<I>), 0x100, ":utf8 single wide character round-trip");
-    close I;
-    open F, ">a";
-    @a = map { chr(1 << ($_ << 2)) } 0..5; # 0x1, 0x10, .., 0x100000
-    unshift @a, chr(0); # ... and a null byte in front just for fun
-    print F @a;
-    close F;
-    sub systell {
-        use Fcntl 'SEEK_CUR';
-        sysseek($_[0], 0, SEEK_CUR);
-    }
-    require bytes; # not use
-    my $ok;
-    open F, "<:utf8", "a";
-    $ok = $a = 0;
-    for (@a) {
-        unless (
-               ($c = sysread(F, $b, 1)) == 1  &&
-               length($b)               == 1  &&
-               ord($b)                  == ord($_) &&
-               systell(F)               == ($a += bytes::length($b))
-               ) {
-           print '# ord($_)           == ', ord($_), "\n";
-           print '# ord($b)           == ', ord($b), "\n";
-           print '# length($b)        == ', length($b), "\n";
-           print '# bytes::length($b) == ', bytes::length($b), "\n";
-           print '# systell(F)        == ', systell(F), "\n";
-           print '# $a                == ', $a, "\n";
-           print '# $c                == ', $c, "\n";
-           last;
-       }
-       $ok++;
-    }
-    close F;
-    ok($ok == @a,
-       "on :utf8 streams sysread() should work on characters, not bytes");
-    sub diagnostics {
-       print '# ord($_)           == ', ord($_), "\n";
-       print '# bytes::length($_) == ', bytes::length($_), "\n";
-       print '# systell(G)        == ', systell(G), "\n";
-       print '# $a                == ', $a, "\n";
-       print '# $c                == ', $c, "\n";
-    }
-    my %actions = (
-                  syswrite => sub { syswrite G, shift; },
-                  'syswrite len' => sub { syswrite G, shift, 1; },
-                  'syswrite len pad' => sub {
-                      my $temp = shift() . "\243";
-                      syswrite G, $temp, 1; },
-                  'syswrite off' => sub { 
-                      my $temp = "\351" . shift();
-                      syswrite G, $temp, 1, 1; },
-                  'syswrite off pad' => sub { 
-                      my $temp = "\351" . shift() . "\243";
-                      syswrite G, $temp, 1, 1; },
-                 );
-    foreach my $key (sort keys %actions) {
-       # syswrite() on should work on characters, not bytes
-       open G, ">:utf8", "b";
-       print "# $key\n";
-       $ok = $a = 0;
-       for (@a) {
-           unless (
-                   ($c = $actions{$key}($_)) == 1 &&
-                   systell(G)                == ($a += bytes::length($_))
-                  ) {
-               diagnostics();
-               last;
-           }
-           $ok++;
-       }
-       close G;
-       ok($ok == @a,
-          "on :utf8 streams syswrite() should work on characters, not bytes");
-       open G, "<:utf8", "b";
-       $ok = $a = 0;
-       for (@a) {
-           unless (
-                   ($c = sysread(G, $b, 1)) == 1 &&
-                   length($b)               == 1 &&
-                   ord($b)                  == ord($_) &&
-                   systell(G)               == ($a += bytes::length($_))
-                  ) {
-               print '# ord($_)           == ', ord($_), "\n";
-               print '# ord($b)           == ', ord($b), "\n";
-               print '# length($b)        == ', length($b), "\n";
-               print '# bytes::length($b) == ', bytes::length($b), "\n";
-               print '# systell(G)        == ', systell(G), "\n";
-               print '# $a                == ', $a, "\n";
-               print '# $c                == ', $c, "\n";
-               last;
-           }
-           $ok++;
-       }
-       close G;
-       ok($ok == @a,
-          "checking syswrite() output on :utf8 streams by reading it back in");
-    }
 SKIP: {
     skip("no perlio", 1) unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio');
     skip("no Encode", 1) unless $Config{extensions} =~ m{\bEncode\b};
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 7d801461d4..11d670942b 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ sigtrap - Perl pragma to enable simple signal handling
 use Carp;
-$VERSION = 1.08;
+$VERSION = 1.09;
 $Verbose ||= 0;
 sub import {
@@ -81,16 +81,49 @@ sub handler_die {
 sub handler_traceback {
     package DB;                # To get subroutine args.
+    my $use_print;
     $SIG{'ABRT'} = DEFAULT;
     kill 'ABRT', $$ if $panic++;
-    syswrite(STDERR, 'Caught a SIG', 12);
-    syswrite(STDERR, $_[0], length($_[0]));
-    syswrite(STDERR, ' at ', 4);
+    # This function might be called as an unsafe signal handler, so it
+    # tries to delay any memory allocations as long as possible.
+    #
+    # Unfortunately with PerlIO layers, using syswrite() here has always
+    # been broken.
+    #
+    # Calling PerlIO::get_layers() here is tempting, but that does
+    # allocations, which we're trying to avoid for this early code.
+    if (eval { syswrite(STDERR, 'Caught a SIG', 12); 1 }) {
+        syswrite(STDERR, $_[0], length($_[0]));
+        syswrite(STDERR, ' at ', 4);
+    }
+    else {
+        print STDERR 'Caught a SIG', $_[0], ' at ';
+        ++$use_print;
+    }
     ($pack,$file,$line) = caller;
-    syswrite(STDERR, $file, length($file));
-    syswrite(STDERR, ' line ', 6);
-    syswrite(STDERR, $line, length($line));
-    syswrite(STDERR, "\n", 1);
+    unless ($use_print) {
+        syswrite(STDERR, $file, length($file));
+        syswrite(STDERR, ' line ', 6);
+        syswrite(STDERR, $line, length($line));
+        syswrite(STDERR, "\n", 1);
+    }
+    else {
+        print STDERR $file, ' line ', $line, "\n";
+    }
+    # we've got our basic output done, from now on we can be freer with 
+    # find out whether we have any layers we need to worry about
+    unless ($use_print) {
+        my @layers = PerlIO::get_layers(*STDERR);
+        for my $name (@layers) {
+            unless ($name =~ /^(unix|perlio)$/) {
+                ++$use_print;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+    }
     # Now go for broke.
     for ($i = 1; ($p,$f,$l,$s,$h,$w,$e,$r) = caller($i); $i++) {
@@ -116,7 +149,12 @@ sub handler_traceback {
        $f = "file '$f'" unless $f eq '-e';
        $mess = "$w$s$a called from $f line $l\n";
-       syswrite(STDERR, $mess, length($mess));
+        if ($use_print) {
+            print STDERR $mess;
+        }
+        else {
+            syswrite(STDERR, $mess, length($mess));
+        }
     kill 'ABRT', $$;
diff --git a/pod/perldiag.pod b/pod/perldiag.pod
index 59c5e79ad1..4a50e5d9d8 100644
--- a/pod/perldiag.pod
+++ b/pod/perldiag.pod
@@ -3206,27 +3206,24 @@ neither as a system call nor an ioctl call (SIOCATMARK).
 Perl.  The current valid ones are given in
 L<perlrebackslash/\b{}, \b, \B{}, \B>.
-=item %s() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. This will be a fatal error in Perl 
+=item %s() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles
-(D deprecated) The sysread(), recv(), syswrite() and send() operators are
-deprecated on handles that have the C<:utf8> layer, either explicitly, or
+(F) The sysread(), recv(), syswrite() and send() operators are
+not allowed on handles that have the C<:utf8> layer, either explicitly, or
 implicitly, eg., with the C<:encoding(UTF-16LE)> layer.
-Both sysread() and recv() currently use only the C<:utf8> flag for the stream,
-ignoring the actual layers.  Since sysread() and recv() do no UTF-8
+Previously sysread() and recv() currently use only the C<:utf8> flag for the 
+ignoring the actual layers.  Since sysread() and recv() did no UTF-8
 validation they can end up creating invalidly encoded scalars.
-Similarly, syswrite() and send() use only the C<:utf8> flag, otherwise ignoring
-any layers.  If the flag is set, both write the value UTF-8 encoded, even if
+Similarly, syswrite() and send() used only the C<:utf8> flag, otherwise 
+any layers.  If the flag is set, both wrote the value UTF-8 encoded, even if
 the layer is some different encoding, such as the example above.
 Ideally, all of these operators would completely ignore the C<:utf8> state,
 working only with bytes, but this would result in silently breaking existing
-In Perl 5.30, it will no longer be possible to use sysread(), recv(),
-syswrite() or send() to read or send bytes from/to :utf8 handles.
 =item "%s" is more clearly written simply as "%s" in regex; marked by S<<-- 
HERE> in m/%s/
 (W regexp) (only under C<S<use re 'strict'>> or within C<(?[...])>)
diff --git a/pod/perlfunc.pod b/pod/perlfunc.pod
index a2fad3b8fc..316daff1cf 100644
--- a/pod/perlfunc.pod
+++ b/pod/perlfunc.pod
@@ -6284,14 +6284,9 @@ string otherwise.  If there's an error, returns the 
undefined value.
 This call is actually implemented in terms of the L<recvfrom(2)> system call.
 See L<perlipc/"UDP: Message Passing"> for examples.
-Note the I<characters>: depending on the status of the socket, either
-(8-bit) bytes or characters are received.  By default all sockets
-operate on bytes, but for example if the socket has been changed using
-L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER> to operate with the
-C<:encoding(UTF-8)> I/O layer (see the L<open> pragma), the I/O will
-operate on UTF8-encoded Unicode
-characters, not bytes.  Similarly for the C<:encoding> layer: in that
-case pretty much any characters can be read.
+Note that if the socket has been marked as C<:utf8>, C<recv> will
+throw an exception.  The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly introduces
+the C<:utf8> layer.  See L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER>.
 =item redo LABEL
@@ -7083,14 +7078,9 @@ case it does a L<sendto(2)> syscall.  Returns the number 
of characters sent,
 or the undefined value on error.  The L<sendmsg(2)> syscall is currently
 unimplemented.  See L<perlipc/"UDP: Message Passing"> for examples.
-Note the I<characters>: depending on the status of the socket, either
-(8-bit) bytes or characters are sent.  By default all sockets operate
-on bytes, but for example if the socket has been changed using
-L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER> to operate with the
-C<:encoding(UTF-8)> I/O layer (see L<C<open>|/open FILEHANDLE,EXPR>, or
-the L<open> pragma), the I/O will operate on UTF-8
-encoded Unicode characters, not bytes.  Similarly for the C<:encoding>
-layer: in that case pretty much any characters can be sent.
+Note that if the socket has been marked as C<:utf8>, C<send> will
+throw an exception.  The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly introduces
+the C<:utf8> layer.  See L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER>.
 =item setpgrp PID,PGRP
 X<setpgrp> X<group>
@@ -8723,10 +8713,8 @@ L<C<eof>|/eof FILEHANDLE> doesn't work well on device 
files (like ttys)
 anyway.  Use L<C<sysread>|/sysread FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET> and
 check for a return value of 0 to decide whether you're done.
-Note that if the filehandle has been marked as C<:utf8>, Unicode
-characters are read instead of bytes (the LENGTH, OFFSET, and the
-return value of L<C<sysread>|/sysread FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET>
-are in Unicode characters).  The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly
+Note that if the filehandle has been marked as C<:utf8>, C<sysread> will
+throw an exception.  The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly
 introduces the C<:utf8> layer.  See
 L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER>,
 L<C<open>|/open FILEHANDLE,EXPR>, and the L<open> pragma.
@@ -8887,10 +8875,7 @@ string other than the beginning.  A negative OFFSET 
specifies writing
 that many characters counting backwards from the end of the string.
 If SCALAR is of length zero, you can only use an OFFSET of 0.
-B<WARNING>: If the filehandle is marked C<:utf8>, Unicode characters
-encoded in UTF-8 are written instead of bytes, and the LENGTH, OFFSET, and
-return value of L<C<syswrite>|/syswrite FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET>
-are in (UTF8-encoded Unicode) characters.
+B<WARNING>: If the filehandle is marked C<:utf8>, C<syswrite> will raise an 
 The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly introduces the C<:utf8> layer.
 Alternately, if the handle is not marked with an encoding but you
 attempt to write characters with code points over 255, raises an exception.
diff --git a/pp_sys.c b/pp_sys.c
index 4ae475d460..00faa7711f 100644
--- a/pp_sys.c
+++ b/pp_sys.c
@@ -1725,10 +1725,9 @@ PP(pp_sysread)
     if ((fp_utf8 = PerlIO_isutf8(IoIFP(io))) && !IN_BYTES) {
         if (PL_op->op_type == OP_SYSREAD || PL_op->op_type == OP_RECV) {
-            Perl_ck_warner_d(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_DEPRECATED),
-                             "%s() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. "
-                             "This will be a fatal error in Perl 5.30",
-                             OP_DESC(PL_op));
+            Perl_croak(aTHX_
+                       "%s() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles",
+                       OP_DESC(PL_op));
        buffer = SvPVutf8_force(bufsv, blen);
        /* UTF-8 may not have been set if they are all low bytes */
@@ -1939,7 +1938,6 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
     const char *buffer;
     SSize_t retval;
     STRLEN blen;
-    STRLEN orig_blen_bytes;
     const int op_type = PL_op->op_type;
     bool doing_utf8;
     U8 *tmpbuf = NULL;
@@ -1985,20 +1983,12 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
     /* Do this first to trigger any overloading.  */
     buffer = SvPV_const(bufsv, blen);
-    orig_blen_bytes = blen;
     doing_utf8 = DO_UTF8(bufsv);
     if (PerlIO_isutf8(IoIFP(io))) {
-        Perl_ck_warner_d(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_DEPRECATED),
-                         "%s() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. "
-                         "This will be a fatal error in Perl 5.30",
-                         OP_DESC(PL_op));
-       if (!SvUTF8(bufsv)) {
-           /* We don't modify the original scalar.  */
-           tmpbuf = bytes_to_utf8((const U8*) buffer, &blen);
-           buffer = (char *) tmpbuf;
-           doing_utf8 = TRUE;
-       }
+        Perl_croak(aTHX_
+                   "%s() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles",
+                   OP_DESC(PL_op));
     else if (doing_utf8) {
        STRLEN tmplen = blen;
@@ -2031,25 +2021,10 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
        Size_t length = 0; /* This length is in characters.  */
-       STRLEN blen_chars;
        IV offset;
-       if (doing_utf8) {
-           if (tmpbuf) {
-               /* The SV is bytes, and we've had to upgrade it.  */
-               blen_chars = orig_blen_bytes;
-           } else {
-               /* The SV really is UTF-8.  */
-               /* Don't call sv_len_utf8 on a magical or overloaded
-                  scalar, as we might get back a different result.  */
-               blen_chars = sv_or_pv_len_utf8(bufsv, buffer, blen);
-           }
-       } else {
-           blen_chars = blen;
-       }
        if (MARK >= SP) {
-           length = blen_chars;
+           length = blen;
        } else {
 #if Size_t_size > IVSIZE
            length = (Size_t)SvNVx(*++MARK);
@@ -2065,46 +2040,21 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
        if (MARK < SP) {
            offset = SvIVx(*++MARK);
            if (offset < 0) {
-               if (-offset > (IV)blen_chars) {
+               if (-offset > (IV)blen) {
                    DIE(aTHX_ "Offset outside string");
-               offset += blen_chars;
-           } else if (offset > (IV)blen_chars) {
+               offset += blen;
+           } else if (offset > (IV)blen) {
                DIE(aTHX_ "Offset outside string");
        } else
            offset = 0;
-       if (length > blen_chars - offset)
-           length = blen_chars - offset;
-       if (doing_utf8) {
-           /* Here we convert length from characters to bytes.  */
-           if (tmpbuf || SvGMAGICAL(bufsv) || SvAMAGIC(bufsv)) {
-               /* Either we had to convert the SV, or the SV is magical, or
-                  the SV has overloading, in which case we can't or mustn't
-                  or mustn't call it again.  */
-               buffer = (const char*)utf8_hop((const U8 *)buffer, offset);
-               length = utf8_hop((U8 *)buffer, length) - (U8 *)buffer;
-           } else {
-               /* It's a real UTF-8 SV, and it's not going to change under
-                  us.  Take advantage of any cache.  */
-               I32 start = offset;
-               I32 len_I32 = length;
-               /* Convert the start and end character positions to bytes.
-                  Remember that the second argument to sv_pos_u2b is relative
-                  to the first.  */
-               sv_pos_u2b(bufsv, &start, &len_I32);
-               buffer += start;
-               length = len_I32;
-           }
-       }
-       else {
-           buffer = buffer+offset;
-       }
+       if (length > blen - offset)
+           length = blen - offset;
+        buffer = buffer+offset;
        if (IoTYPE(io) == IoTYPE_SOCKET) {
            retval = PerlSock_send(fd, buffer, length, 0);
@@ -2120,8 +2070,6 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
     if (retval < 0)
        goto say_undef;
-    if (doing_utf8)
-        retval = utf8_length((U8*)buffer, (U8*)buffer + retval);
 #if Size_t_size > IVSIZE
diff --git a/t/io/utf8.t b/t/io/utf8.t
index 2b700595c8..0bc8a5c2bf 100644
--- a/t/io/utf8.t
+++ b/t/io/utf8.t
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ skip_all_without_perlio();
 no utf8; # needed for use utf8 not griping about the raw octets
-plan(tests => 63);
+plan(tests => 62);
 $| = 1;
@@ -312,16 +312,14 @@ is($failed, undef);
     # [perl #23428] Somethings rotten in unicode semantics
     open F, ">$a_file";
-    binmode F, ":utf8";
-    no warnings qw(deprecated);
-    syswrite(F, $a = chr(0x100));
+    binmode F;
+    $a = "A";
+    utf8::upgrade($a);
+    syswrite(F, $a);
     close F;
-    is( ord($a), 0x100, '23428 syswrite should not downgrade scalar' );
-    like( $a, qr/^\w+/, '23428 syswrite should not downgrade scalar' );
+    ok(utf8::is_utf8($a), '23428 syswrite should not downgrade scalar' );
-# sysread() and syswrite() tested in lib/open.t since Fcntl is used
     # <FH> on a :utf8 stream should complain immediately with -w
     # if it finds bad UTF-8 (:encoding(utf8) works this way)
diff --git a/t/lib/croak/pp_sys b/t/lib/croak/pp_sys
index 8b7dc9d53d..be100da27a 100644
--- a/t/lib/croak/pp_sys
+++ b/t/lib/croak/pp_sys
@@ -73,3 +73,23 @@ open my $foo, "../harness";
 opendir $foo, ".";
 Cannot open $foo as a dirhandle: it is already open as a filehandle at - line 
+# NAME sysread() disallowed on :utf8
+open my $fh, "<:raw", "../harness" or die "# $!";
+my $buf;
+sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
+binmode $fh, ':utf8';
+sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
+sysread() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles at - line 5.
+# NAME syswrite() disallowed on :utf8
+my $file = "syswwarn.tmp";
+open my $fh, ">:raw", $file or die "# $!";
+syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
+binmode $fh, ':utf8';
+syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
+close $fh;
+END { unlink $file; }
+syswrite() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles at - line 5.
diff --git a/t/lib/warnings/pp_sys b/t/lib/warnings/pp_sys
index 90d3cc790d..5f6b83d2f6 100644
--- a/t/lib/warnings/pp_sys
+++ b/t/lib/warnings/pp_sys
@@ -890,30 +890,6 @@ sleep(-1);
 sleep() with negative argument at - line 2.
-# NAME sysread() deprecated on :utf8
-open my $fh, "<:raw", "../harness" or die "# $!";
-my $buf;
-sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
-binmode $fh, ':utf8';
-sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
-no warnings 'deprecated';
-sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
-sysread() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. This will be a fatal error in Perl 
5.30 at - line 5.
-# NAME syswrite() deprecated on :utf8
-my $file = "syswwarn.tmp";
-open my $fh, ">:raw", $file or die "# $!";
-syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
-binmode $fh, ':utf8';
-syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
-no warnings 'deprecated';
-syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
-close $fh;
-unlink $file;
-syswrite() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. This will be a fatal error in Perl 
5.30 at - line 5.
 # NAME stat on name with \0
 use warnings;
 my @x = stat("./\0-");
diff --git a/t/op/gmagic.t b/t/op/gmagic.t
index 210e8e5cc9..0ed575525f 100644
--- a/t/op/gmagic.t
+++ b/t/op/gmagic.t
@@ -76,15 +76,6 @@ expected_tie_calls(tied $c, 1, 2, 'chomping a ref');
     expected_tie_calls(tied $c, 2, 2, 'calling sysread with tied buf');
     close $h or die "$0 cannot close $outfile: $!";
- # Do this again, with a utf8 handle
-    $c = *foo;                                         # 1 write
-    open $h, "<:utf8", $outfile;
-    no warnings 'deprecated';
-    sysread $h, $c, 3, 7;                              # 1 read; 1 write
-    is $c, "*main::bar", 'what sysread wrote';         # 1 read
-    expected_tie_calls(tied $c, 2, 2, 'calling sysread with tied buf');
-    close $h or die "$0 cannot close $outfile: $!";
     unlink_all $outfile;
diff --git a/t/op/readline.t b/t/op/readline.t
index c2727fe829..ba4efa71a4 100644
--- a/t/op/readline.t
+++ b/t/op/readline.t
@@ -215,9 +215,8 @@ SKIP: {
     my $line = 'ascii';
     my ( $in, $out );
     pipe $in, $out;
-    binmode $out, ':utf8';
+    binmode $out;
     binmode $in,  ':utf8';
-    no warnings qw(deprecated);
     syswrite $out, "...\n";
     $line .= readline $in;
@@ -228,10 +227,11 @@ SKIP: {
     my $line = "\x{2080} utf8";;
     my ( $in, $out );
     pipe $in, $out;
-    binmode $out, ':utf8';
+    binmode $out;
     binmode $in,  ':utf8';
-    no warnings qw(deprecated);
-    syswrite $out, "\x{2080}...\n";
+    my $outdata = "\x{2080}...\n";
+    utf8::encode($outdata);
+    syswrite $out, $outdata;
     $line .= readline $in;
     is( $line, "\x{2080} utf8\x{2080}...\n", 'appending from utf to utf8' );
diff --git a/t/op/sysio.t b/t/op/sysio.t
index ebcf821d37..c6d9bd8917 100644
--- a/t/op/sysio.t
+++ b/t/op/sysio.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ BEGIN {
-plan tests => 48;
+plan tests => 45;
 open(I, 'op/sysio.t') || die "sysio.t: cannot find myself: $!";
 binmode I;
@@ -221,32 +221,6 @@ close(I);
 unlink_all $outfile;
-# Check that utf8 IO doesn't upgrade the scalar
-    no warnings 'deprecated';
-    open(I, ">$outfile") || die "sysio.t: cannot write $outfile: $!";
-    # Will skip harmlessly on stdioperl
-    eval {binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"};
-    die $@ if $@ and $@ !~ /^IO layers \(like ':utf8'\) unavailable/;
-    # y diaresis is \w when UTF8
-    $a = chr 255;
-    unlike($a, qr/\w/);
-    syswrite I, $a;
-    # Should not be upgraded as a side effect of syswrite.
-    unlike($a, qr/\w/);
-    # This should work
-    eval {syswrite I, 2;};
-    is($@, '');
-    close(I);
-unlink_all $outfile;
diff --git a/t/uni/overload.t b/t/uni/overload.t
index 8e722c850e..161484500e 100644
--- a/t/uni/overload.t
+++ b/t/uni/overload.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ BEGIN {
     set_up_inc( '../lib' );
-plan(tests => 217);
+plan(tests => 193);
 package UTF8Toggle;
 use strict;
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ my $tmpfile = tempfile();
 foreach my $operator ('print', 'syswrite', 'syswrite len', 'syswrite off',
                      'syswrite len off') {
-    foreach my $layer ('', ':utf8') {
-       open my $fh, "+>$layer", $tmpfile or die $!;
+    foreach my $layer ('', $operator =~ /syswrite/ ? () : (':utf8')) {
+       open my $fh, "+>:raw$layer", $tmpfile or die $!;
        my $pad = $operator =~ /\boff\b/ ? "\243" : "";
        my $trail = $operator =~ /\blen\b/ ? "!" : "";
        my $u = UTF8Toggle->new("$pad$E_acute\n$trail");
diff --git a/t/uni/readline.t b/t/uni/readline.t
index 893a290893..253efe3a42 100644
--- a/t/uni/readline.t
+++ b/t/uni/readline.t
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ like($@, qr/Modification of a read-only value attempted/, 
'[perl #19566]');
 use strict;
 my $err;
-  no warnings qw(deprecated);
-  open ᕝ, '.' and sysread ᕝ, $_, 1;
+  open ᕝ, '.' and binmode ᕝ and sysread ᕝ, $_, 1;
   $err = $! + 0;
   close ᕝ;

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