In perl.git, the branch blead has been updated


- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 9704d779004abdb57e3d1c6b82a038eca6221db4
Author: Tony Cook <>
Date:   Wed Oct 17 15:51:16 2018 +1100

    (perl #125760) add fatal :utf8 tests for recv and send
    Their behaviour on :utf8 streams doesn't seem to have been tested


Summary of changes:
 t/io/socket.t | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 90 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/io/socket.t b/t/io/socket.t
index 952ff09742..be3abc0e1e 100644
--- a/t/io/socket.t
+++ b/t/io/socket.t
@@ -135,6 +135,96 @@ SKIP: {
+SKIP: {
+    # test recv/send handling with :utf8
+    # this doesn't appear to have been tested previously, this is
+    # separate to avoid interfering with the data expected above
+    $local or skip("No localhost", 1);
+    $fork or skip("No fork", 1);
+    note "recv/send :utf8 tests";
+    ok(socket(my $serv, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcp), "make a tcp socket 
(recv/send :utf8 handling)");
+    my $bind_at = pack_sockaddr_in(0, $local);
+    ok(bind($serv, $bind_at), "bind works")
+       or skip("Couldn't bind to localhost", 1);
+    my $bind_name = getsockname($serv);
+    ok($bind_name, "getsockname() on bound socket");
+    my ($bind_port) = unpack_sockaddr_in($bind_name);
+    print "# port $bind_port\n";
+  SKIP:
+    {
+       ok(listen($serv, 5), "listen() works")
+         or diag "listen error: $!";
+       my $pid = fork;
+       my $send_data = "test\x80\xFF" x 50_000;
+       if ($pid) {
+           # parent
+           ok(socket(my $accept, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcp),
+              "make accept tcp socket");
+           ok(my $addr = accept($accept, $serv), "accept() works")
+               or diag "accept error: $!";
+            binmode $accept, ':raw:utf8';
+            ok(!eval { send($accept, "ABC", 0); 1 },
+               "should die on send to :utf8 socket");
+            binmode $accept;
+            # check bytes will be sent
+            utf8::upgrade($send_data);
+           my $sent_total = 0;
+           while ($sent_total < length $send_data) {
+               my $sent = send($accept, substr($send_data, $sent_total), 0);
+               defined $sent or last;
+               $sent_total += $sent;
+           }
+           my $shutdown = shutdown($accept, 1);
+           # wait for the remote to close so data isn't lost in
+           # transit on a certain broken implementation
+           <$accept>;
+           # child tests are printed once we hit eof
+           curr_test(curr_test()+6);
+           waitpid($pid, 0);
+           ok($shutdown, "shutdown() works");
+       }
+       elsif (defined $pid) {
+           curr_test(curr_test()+3);
+           #sleep 1;
+           # child
+           ok_child(close($serv), "close server socket in child");
+           ok_child(socket(my $child, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcp),
+              "make child tcp socket");
+           ok_child(connect($child, $bind_name), "connect() works")
+               or diag "connect error: $!";
+            binmode $child, ':raw:utf8';
+           my $buf;
+            ok_child(!eval { recv($child, $buf, 1000, 0); 1 },
+                     "recv on :utf8 should die");
+            is_child($buf, "", "buf shouldn't contain anything");
+            binmode $child;
+           my $recv_peer = recv($child, $buf, 1000, 0);
+           while(defined recv($child, my $tmp, 1000, 0)) {
+               last if length $tmp == 0;
+               $buf .= $tmp;
+           }
+           is_child($buf, $send_data, "check we received the data");
+           close($child);
+           end_child();
+           exit(0);
+       }
+       else {
+           # failed to fork
+           diag "fork() failed $!";
+           skip("fork() failed", 2);
+       }
+    }
     eval { require Errno; defined &Errno::EMFILE }

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