Branch: refs/heads/yves/fixup_perlreapi_pod
  Commit: fe1a8f18cdaabbd861cd3963b9b403d3ccb39716
  Author: Yves Orton <>
  Date:   2023-07-17 (Mon, 17 Jul 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M t/porting/podcheck.t

  Log Message:
  t/porting/podcheck.t - some verbatim text is copied from the source

So we should check if it is still in sync with the source, and ignore
any line length issues as the source needs to be changed, not the copy.

To enable this simply put "file source: FILENAME" or
"copied from: FILENAME" in the first line of the verbatim text.

  Commit: cf5c279505c924f9273919d7e876f214624efa6e
  Author: Yves Orton <>
  Date:   2023-07-17 (Mon, 17 Jul 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M pod/perlreapi.pod
    M regexp.h

  Log Message:
  regexp.h/perlreapi.pod - synchronize struct regexp documentation with source

and update the individual struct members documentation accordingly,
some time ago this structure was synchonize with the SV structure,
so some members that used to be documented are now actually macros.

This also includes a couple of field reordering to make the struct
easier to understand and also to cluster the 32 bit fields together
so that the structure is a minimal size.

Thanks to Tony C for noticing this and calling it to my attention.


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