From: Kean Johnston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi all,
> This is my first posting to this list so go easy :)
> While doing a make test on the BerkeleyDB module I am getting a
> core dump from perl. A stack trace shows its breaking in
> Perl_newRV_noinc (tmpRef=0x0), called from Perl_newRV (tmpRef=0x0).
> Now, I dont know what conditions lead up to Perl_newRV being called
> with a NULL pointer, but shouldn't that case be covered by the
> code? The actual core dump occurs when trying to do SvTEMP_off(tmpRef),
> becuase thats trying to reference sv->sv_flags.
> Platform is SCO 5.0.7 (I know I know), compiler is gcc 2.95.3.
> This worked in 5.8.4, which was the last version I tried.

What version of the BerkeleyDB perl module are you running and what version
of Berkeley DB the library have you got? I've enclosed part of the
troubleshooting guide for BerkeleyDB at the end to help you find out these
things if you don't know.

Can you also post a log of the output from the "make test" please? I need to
see which test it is falling over on. Please run the test harness in verbose
mode like this

    make test TEST_VERBOSE=1


2. The version of BerkeleyDB you have. If you have successfully
    installed BerkeleyDB, this one-liner will tell you:

       perl -MBerkeleyDB -e 'print qq{BerkeleyDB ver

    If you are running windows use this

       perl -MBerkeleyDB -e "print qq{BerkeleyDB ver

    If you haven't installed BerkeleyDB then search for a
    line like this:

      $VERSION = "1.20" ;

 3. The version of Berkeley DB you have installed. If you have
    successfully installed BerkeleyDB, this one-liner will tell you:

        perl -MBerkeleyDB -e 'print BerkeleyDB::DB_VERSION_STRING.qq{\n}'

    If you are running windows use this

        perl -MBerkeleyDB -e "print BerkeleyDB::DB_VERSION_STRING.qq{\n}"

    If you haven't installed BerkeleyDB then search db.h for a line
    like this:

      #define DB_VERSION_STRING

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