On May 12, 2005 05:08 pm, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> I didn't submit a bug for this, because I'm not sure it really is a bug,
> but wanted some info...
> I've attached my test case which coredumps with the latest "stable" perl,
> straight from cpan, yet only on my computers? Some folks from #perl were
> nice enough to test for me, and they couldn't manage to get it to crash.
> Which is why I don't think its really a bug, but who knows, It might be,
> but just with my system config?
> Now, looking at my example, the crash goes away if I add "undef $foo;" at
> the end. Which would say that its "freeze" being called during global
> destruction is the problem? But then others in #perl had no problem
> whatsoever. I'm stumped, after 3 days on this... I'm stumped.
> I suppose I should also attach 'perlbug -d'.

Nobody have an idea?

Thomas Fjellstrom

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