On Jul 26, 2005, at 5:35 PM, Abigail wrote:

On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 05:37:39PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:

So is "wantarray's value is only specified within a subroutine or method
which was called directly by other perl code" true?


    $ perl -wle 'print eval "wantarray"'

No subroutine, no method.

The eval is still a block scope from which one can return, so wantarray indicates the context provided to the eval block, not to the -e script, and print provides it a list context.


        $ perl -wle 'print eval { eval { wantarray } }'
        $ perl -wle 'print eval { eval { wantarray }; "" }'
        Useless use of wantarray in void context at -e line 1.

It would be helpful to have a term which means 'block from which one can return', i.e. a sub or eval. Suppose we use the word 'frame'. Then I'd propose the statement above except with 'frame' instead of 'subroutine or method'.


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