[EMAIL PROTECTED] (via RT) wrote:
> The dprofpp that comes with perl 5.8.6 and 5.8.4 (haven't tried
> others) has a bug where a non-existent array element is assigned to
> which makes dprofpp die.
> I create a profile like this:
>   dprofpp -Q -p program.pl
> and I get this tmon.out (gz):
>   <http://perlcode.org/dprofpp_bug/tmon.out.gz>
> I try to profile it like this:
>   dprofpp -I -g main::do_loop
> and receive this error:
>   Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 at
>   /usr/bin/dprofpp line 662, <fh> line 1100.
> This happens on FreeBSD and Mac OSX under the above Perl versions.
> This patch helps (I'm not sure if something is not being counted,
> however. It may be that the chunk of code that creates the array index
> below needs to be moved to before this section):

Thanks, applied as change #25413 to bleadperl.

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