This Week on perl5-porters - 17-23 April 2006

Topics of Interest

Redoing the regular expression API

  Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes suggested that Yves Orton send in a patch to
  pull out some of the ancillary functions in "Data::Dump::Streamer" in
  order to make them available in the core distribution.

  So Yves did just that. The first addition is to add "reftype_name()",
  that behaves like "reftype" except that it returns false rather than
  "undef" on non-references. This removes the need for fussy make-work
  code on the client side to avoid warnings.

  The second addition is a "regex()" function, which makes it easier to
  deal with patterns, whether they have been blessed into other
  namespaces or not.

  Graham Barr admitted that the return value of "reftype()" was a
  mistake, and "reftype_name()" was acceptable, but felt that the
  "regex()" function was better off in the "Regexp" module.

  Yves didn't like the fact that "Scalar::Util::reftype" returns
  "SCALAR" instead of something like "REGEX". Nick Ing-Simmons liked the
  idea, but thought that it was too dangerous for "maint".

  Another sub-thread in the discussion revolved around whether a qr//
  thing is an object or a type. It is, in fact, an object, but Yves
  argued that it is much more useful to treat it as a type. Graham
  agreed to disagree.

  Adam Kennedy admitted to using "Regexp"s as objects quite a bit and
  would be happy to see the "Regexp" module receive a dose of
  spring-cleaning (which I suppose means fixing up the reblessing
  inconsistency that Yves was getting at).

  Another hassle Yves pointed out was the non-reversibility of
  stringifying regexps:

    my $qr=qr/foo/;
    my $str="$qr";
    print qr/$str/; # equivalent but not equal

  Dave Mitchell pointed out that a regular expression currently *is* a
  scalar, it just happens to have a bit of magic attached...

    Shouldering the weight of history

Silly regexp tricks

  Hugo van der Sanden returned to the super-linear cache bug (a "||"
  logical or instead of a "|" bitwise or) in the regular expression
  engine, and came up with a suitable test case:

    ("a" x 31) =~ /^(a*?)(?!(a{6}|a{5})*$)/;
    print length($1);

  This prompted Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes to come up with another bug that
  showed how "blead" broke existing behaviour. Since no-one should ever
  have come to rely on this behaviour, it was all quietly swept under
  the rug. Dave Mitchell hinted that he was working on New Stuff in the

Bringing "threads" into the third millenium

  Jerry D. Hedden continued to send patches to sync CPAN's "thread"s
  with "blead", first by removing a superfluous counter.

    and again

    and reworked the threads destruct call

  He vented his frustration at the slow pace with which the patches were
  getting applied, believing that he was playing by the rules as much as
  possible. Rafael was very apologetic, explaining that he understands
  so little about threads that he's barely qualified to apply them. And
  apart from Rafael, there aren't too many alternatives.

Backporting the new "blead" RE improvements to "maint"

  Nicholas Clark posted a proof-of-concept update to to deliver
  Dave Mitchell's iterative (as opposed to recursive) implementation of
  the regular expression to perl 5.8.1 and beyond. A few show-stoppers
  need to be cleaned up: some coredumps in the test suite need to be
  sorted out and some tweaks to ppport.h are needed. As a bonus, Yves
  Orton's trie work comes along for the ride.

    More songs about building regexps

"valgrind" and Perl 5

  Nicholas Clark wondered what would happen, as in, how many bugs would
  be uncovered, if one were to run the test suite under "valgrind". So
  Rafael Garcia-Suarez did just that, and discovered that 41 test files
  produce errors.

  Nicholas and Rafael then set about fixing up the problems that were

    There's always something to do

Better reporting of TODO tests

  Nicholas Clark looked at the unexpurgated version of the output from
  the test suite and noticed that six tests were marked as unexpectedly
  succeeding. In test parlance, these tests are called TODO tests, since
  they show what there is to do. This state of affairs is usually due to
  a test case that is expected to fail when run, since it exercised a
  bug in perl that needed to be fixed, and at some point, a source code
  change caused the failing test to succeed.

  Nicholas saw that many of the really old regexp bugs that have been
  fixed, had no TODO tests, and in any event, the default, summarised,
  output of the test test suite makes no mention of them anyway, so it
  is not as if anyone would have noticed the improvement.

  So firstly, the test harness had to be upgraded to report the summary
  of TODO tests that succeed, and (much more work) all the open bugs
  need test cases written for them, so that it becomes easier to see
  when they have been fixed.

  Yves Orton hacked up his copy of "Test::Harness" to do this. Andy
  Lester took the idea and applied it to his development version of
  "Test::Harness" (see the "New Modules" section below).

  Abe Timmerman updated the test smoke kit, in order to get all this new
  goodness into the hands of the smokers.

    Much ado about todo

    Up in smoke
    rsync -avz .

Coverity coverage of CPAN modules

  After having read the traffic on p5p concerning the errors that
  Coverity uncovered, Alan Olsen what the possibilities were for having
  the tests extended to cover CPAN modules with XS components.

  Johnathon Stowe realised that it was the output of "xsubpp" that needs
  to be tested, rather than the ".xs" files themselves, and wondered
  whether all the possible constructs it is possible to have "xsubpp"
  emit ere in fact being covered, and whether one ought to create a
  dummy XS module that simply causes "xsubpp" to emit everything it
  knows how to.

  Tim Jenness thought that that issue should be covered by
  "XS::Typemap". Johnathon did some quick coverage calculations and was
  surprised to learn that it wasn't too shabby.

  Andy Lester volunteered to liaise with the Coverity people to have
  XS-based modules analysed, should the authors in question care to know
  the results. Randy W. Sims was concerned that some authors might think
  of it as a ratings system. Be that as it may, a couple of authors
  asked for analysis to be applied to their modules.

Patches of Interest

  This week, Andy Lester performed some more "op_type" shrinking in sv.c
  and dump.c,

  and hauled some variables down into tighter scopes in util.c.

212 warnings emitted by gcc-4.2

  Marcus Holland-Moritz grew tired of watching an endless list of
  warnings spew from compiling perl with a recent copy of "gcc", so he
  patched things to get rid of the problems that gave rise to them.

  Andy Lester was pleased to hear of the work, since it had been
  something of an annoyance for him too. He asked for a slightly less
  monolithic patch, so that different classes of errors could be fixed a
  bit at a time. Rafael eventually applied all the changes.

    Understanding error messages

Watching the smoke signals

  Nicholas Clark looked at a NetBSD smoke report, and wondered what it
  was that was being tested in ext/B/t/bytecode.t that was failing.
  Whatever it was, he fixed it with change #27874.

    Smoke [5.9.4] 27855 FAIL(F) netbsd 3.0 (i386/1 cpu)

  Steve Peters wondered why a test run was failing, simply because TEST
  was seeing test results being delivered out of order, where as harness
  didn't care.

    Smoke [5.9.4] 27939 FAIL(F) MSWin32 WinXP/.Net SP2 (x86/2 cpu)

New and old bugs from RT

op/cmp.t and lib/bigfltpm failures (#5708)

  Steve Peters and Johnathon Stowe kicked this bug around, but as
  neither of them have access to the platform in question it shall have
  to remain open for the time being.

    OpenServer anyone?

Regex replace loses characters (#24704)

  Rafael fixed this bug by accident while working on something else.
  No-one minded.

  In fact, Steve Peters continued his thankless task of trawling through
  old, open tickets and noticed that a certain number of bugs had been
  solved by changes committed recently and not so recently.

    Fixed in previous millenium

"Sys::Syslog)"  requires \0 terminator in syslog messages (#28019)

  Julian Mehnle called in from Debian-land to see what the status on
  this bug was, explaining that some comments or documentation would
  help avoid bugs being filed in the future.

"threads" and "require IO" causes segmentation fault (#37076)

  Nicholas Clark jotted down a couple of notes on how to fix this

    Add it to the TODO

Oxymoronic example in perlvar (#38743)

  Steve Peters wondered why Dave's excellent example shouldn't be used
  to close this ticket.

"Text::ParseWords" doesn't always handle backslashes correctly (#38904)

  John Vromans argued that the following equivalency was incorrect:

    is_deeply([shellwords("aa bb cc\\ ")], ["aa", "bb", "cc "])

  Alexey Toptygin delved into the code to find out why and offered a
  patch to make the behaviour a little more intuitive. Applied by

"map" sometimes uses only the last mapped value (#38935)

  Someone on Perlmonks posted an innocuous question about some strange
  behaviour with "map", that turned out to be a caused by a change that
  was applied in 1998. People were surprised at that such a bug had
  remained unnoticed for so long.

    The original thread

"Configure" won't handle versions 5.10.0 or 5.8.10. (#38945)

  Andy Dougherty filed a bug on this problem so that people remember to
  do something about it in time.

Memory leak when calling "system 1 foo" repeatedly (#38946)

  An interesting discussion arose from this report. It turns out that
  "system 1, ..." does something interesting under Windows.

Tests fail in 5.8.8 if $TMP is not writable (#38947)

  Gabor Szabo noted that certain tests lib/Memoize/t/tie_ndbm.t fail if
  the directory pointed to by $TMP was not writable. He felt that a
  diagnostic should explain more clearly what the problem is rather than
  failing out of hand.

Migration Problem from Dynix to Aix (#38951)

  Karuppiah Subramaniam has a migration problem. If you have any advice
  to offer, I'm sure it will be appreciated.

"exists" error message on wrong argument type is incorrect (#38955)

  Jeremy Hetzler wished to clarify the error message received when
  "exists" use incorrectly, and bring it into line with the

"File::Find" documentation - is "Don't modify these variables" still valid? (#38965)

  Steve Peters tweaked the documentation for "File::Find" to specify
  more clearly what happens to $_ in the callback routine.

Perl5 Bug Summary

    9 created and 4 closed = 1543

    Steady as she goes

New Core Modules

  *       Test-Harness version 2.57_06, by Andy Lester. This enhances
          the summary result to indicate clearly the number of TODO test
          that have unexpectedly begun to succeed, (usually due to
          underlying bugs being fixed).


In Brief

  Nicholas Clark carried out his threat to document code references in
  @INC and source filters and also added a new feature at the same time.

  Paul Johnson read about the "is_list_assignment" speedup patch from
  Andy Lester, and pointed the porters to a two year old thread on a
  similar issue.

  Nick Ing-Simmons followed up on the issue of leaking file handles in
  XS code.

  Jan Dubois removed some cruft from

  Jarkko Hietaniemi tried a patch to regcomp.c to see if it would
  silence an error from Coverity. It didn't. This led Jarkko to conclude
  that if Coverity was too clever, or too stupid, to figure out what was
  really happening, then maybe it's Red-flag-for-Refactoring time.

    It would help us, frail humans

  He then nailed another leak that Coverity found in doop.c.

  Nicholas Clark saw that Coverity dislikes "PerlIO_findFILE". The logic
  seems a bit tortuous, so maybe that's not so surprising,

  Nicholas looked at the last two unreviewed Coverity issues, in
  regexec.c and wondered whether Coverity was getting confused. Dave
  Mitchell explained that both issues were false positives.

  Alex Waugh provided the required information to support compiling perl
  on RISC OS.

  Andy Lester posted a short script to prune Jarkko's "cpd" output, to
  show more clearly where Cut-And-Paste code was happening in areas that
  interested him.

  Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes fixed building perl on "Cygwin".

  Joshua Juran uploaded an experimental release of Lamp on SourceForge.

    Lamp Ain't Mac POSIX

  Andy Lester refactored the excessive use of "PM_GETRE()" in pp_ctl.c.

  Jan Dubois and Steve Hay coordinated the ActiveState changes to
  win32/Makefile in "blead", clearing up an issue concerning 64-bit
  environments at the same time

  Nicholas Clark explained what he understood Larry's MAD patch to be

  The UTF-8 caching code that Nicholas Clark worked on a few months back
  wound up being exposed on the command-line via the "-Ca" switch.

    Unless someone has a better idea

  Nicholas Clark unearthed what is in hindsight a blindingly obvious
  memory leak on unthreaded builds between "Perl_newCONSTSUB" and

    Nobody else knew what to do about it, either.

  Andy Lester thought that "GvUNIQUE()" and its ilk could be removed
  from the source. Rafael commented that the macros had to remain, since
  at least "Data::Alias" on CPAN refer to them.

  Ashish Agarwal was having problems with weird characters displayed in
  the debugger. Joe McGuire thought it was probably one of the thirteen
  so-called variant characters in EBCDIC.

    \ [ ] { } ^ ~ ! # | $ @ `

  Andy Lester cleaned up regexec.c following on from the recent changes.

  Rick Delaney had discovered that lost their compile-time
  benefit, dating back to when pseudo-hashes were removed from "blead".

  Ken Williams asked for advice on some proposed "File::Spec" changes
  for VMS, John E. Malmberg supplied what information he could. Ken
  lamented how difficult it was to test VMS code if you didn't have
  access to a VMS box.

  Joshua ben Jore thought that the terribly cryptic
  "select((select(OUTPUT_HANDLE), $| = 1)[0])" idiom should be banished
  from the documentation. Rafael bowed to reason.

    Just because you can

The previous summary

  The cynics scoffed at the effort expended to clear the Coverity
  issues, and Rafael pointed out that "state" variables are almost but
  not quite yet in "blead".

About this summary

  This summary was written by David Landgren.

  If you want a bookmarklet approach to viewing bugs and change reports,
  there are a couple of bookmarklets that you might find useful on my
  page of Perl stuff:

  Weekly summaries are published on and posted on a
  mailing list, (subscription: [EMAIL PROTECTED]). The
  archive is at Corrections
  and comments are welcome.

  If you found this summary useful or enjoyable, please consider
  contributing to the Perl Foundation to help support the development of
"It's overkill of course, but you can never have too much overkill."

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