This Week on perl5-porters - 27 November-3 December 2006

  "So I don't really have an answer for you. When faced with a similar
  situation, I punted and did a PerlIO_fdopen(fileno(stdio)) instead of
  a PerlIO_importFILE(stdio). This way you know you are creating a
  unixio layer which gets ref counted properly." -- Craig A. Berry,
  somewhere in the sprawling PerlIO layers saga.

Topics of Interest

"PerlIO::Scalar" buffering

  H.Merijn Brand wondered if he had uncovered a problem with performing
  IO to a scalar, since at the end of a series of operations where the
  scalar should have been emptied, a lone newline character remained.

Whither 5.8.9

  Jerry D. Hedden wondered if there was going to be a 5.8.9 release, and
  if so would arrive before 5.10.0. H.Merijn Brand confirmed that a
  5.8.9 release is going to happen some time, and it's likely to escape
  from the lab before 5.10. No dates have been set for either event as

    when it's ready

Old "dmake"s for building perl on Win32...

  Steve Hay noticed that recent changes to the Makefiles for Windows are
  no longer understood by the older make programs floating around in the
  Windows world. He felt that the best approach was to update the README
  to explain the fix, in the unlikely event that someone encounters it,
  and to move on.

    time to go

... and archaic Visual C++ compilers

  Steve also noted that the compiler writers at Microsoft have played
  the compiler command line switch fandango in recent versions, and now
  warnings are emitted when certain deprecated switches are used. To get
  things into shape means drawing the line at VC++ 5.0. This equates to
  roughly a 10 year old compiler. The Makefile states that things should
  be compatible all the way back to 2.0, but Steve has his doubts.

  Nicholas Clark pointed out that if people really need to use a pre-5.0
  compiler, all they have to do is change the new-name switch back to
  old-name, and things should work. Steve updated README.win32 to note
  this point.

Trouble with PERLIO_INIT/PERLIO_TERM changes

  Steve Hay and Jarkko Hietaniemi tried to make sense of the ongoing
  PerlIO problems, in that reference counts were going too far negative
  and bad things were happening as a result. And the code was a bit too
  twisty for people to understand exactly what was happening. My eyes
  sort of glazed over on this thread.

  It eventually wound up being filed as a bug, see below.

  Also, in another thread, Steve also wondered whether
  PerlIO_importFILE() needed to do a "refcnt_inc". Craig A. Berry showed
  him how to test the hypothesis. One thing that came out of it is that
  Steve noticed that the code was leaking file descriptors.

  Similarly, Yves Orton found a segfault on Windows due to one of the
  many changes that were attempted this week to come to grips with these
  issues. Rafaël was pretty sure about which patch was the problem, and
  when Yves reverted it, his build succeeded in starting the test suite.

"PathTools" now at

  Ken Williams announced that he'd thrown up "File::Spec" and "Cwd", on
  a Subversion repository, and asked if there were any volunteers who
  wanted to poke around at them. Philippe Bruhat bravely stepped

Change #26513 breaks "Devel::SmallProf"

  Nicholas Clark found that the addition of an assertion to ensure an AV
  is always non-null made "Devel::SmallProf" curl up and die, and didn't
  what to do about it.

  In the new month, the thread continued: Gisle Aas observed that the
  problem went away of the build was configured with "usethreads".
  Rafaël Garcia-Suarez realised that the heart of the problem lay in
  toke.c, and made the appropriate change there.

Minor patch for ""

  Christophe Grosjean patched what he thought was a minor problem in
  "Benchmark", but was really quite a significant bug when you think
  about it: "cmpthese" used to ignore child process times, which led to
  the fascinating outcome that a process that spawned an external
  command appeared to be faster than something done in native Perl.

    Highly illogical

Patches of Interest

Abstract mempool header testing

  Jarkko did a bit of work on memory pools, (that approximates the
  conditions of Win32 on Unix), where memory allocation (especially in
  threads) is a much trickier issue. Nicholas Clark gave a clear
  explanation of how the mechanisms present in the source code fitted
  together, and Jan Dubois completed the picture.

  Based especially upon Jan's information, Jarkko produced a patch to
  attempt to clear up some PerlIO problems. Jan, however, thought that
  the code in question traded one set of problems (the mempool
  allocations) for another (leaking stuff from the opcode tree instead),
  and explained how to fix that problem

  As the month rolled over into December, Yves Orton took a stab at the
  matter, pointing to a couple of spots in the code that he felt relied
  on flawed assumptions. The patches went back and forth, and I lost
  track of which patch undid what, and which ones were reverted.

  Jan Dubois suggested one strategy for getting things straightened out,
  and Jarkko coded it up as a patch. This seemed to fix things
  sufficiently well that Steve Hay was able to unrevert a previously
  reverted patch with everything still behaving itself.

  Yves was most impressed, but also confused, and asked if there was
  some documentation that explained The Big Picture. Steve Hay did his
  best to illuminate the part of the canvas that he understood, hoping
  that Jan Dubois would chip in and complete as necessary. And so he
  did. Jan gave a thorough best exposé on the issue of mempools here:

  Now all we need is for someone to draw a diagram of the myriad ways in
  which one may allocate memory in perl. The thread in the December,
  from the top:

Building 5.8.8 on OS/2

  Ilya Zakharevich delivered a patch to get 5.8.8 compiling again on
  OS/2. There are still some tests that fail, and Ilya promised to
  address them in a future patch.

"perl5db" on "miniperl"

  Similarly, Ilya noticed that no longer worked with
  "miniperl", due to a reliance on "IO::Handle", which was not yet fully
  operational at that stage of the build process. So he tweaked things
  to handle this situation gracefully.

"Test::Class" and blead

  A test in "Test::Class" tested for a bogus regular expression, and was
  supposed to die. The funny part was that thanks to Yves Orton's
  tireless efforts, what used to be a meaningless string of characters
  is now a legal pattern, so the pattern matches and the test fails.

  So Nicholas Clark made the pattern even more bogus, to force the
  pattern to fail again. Which judging by Yves's prodigious output,
  should see the test safe for a least three weeks.


MacOSX debugger fork support received some more patching goodness from Bo Lindbergh to
  allow the debugger to be fired up in a separate terminal window on Mac

Make "B::Lint" use "Module::Pluggable"

  Joshua ben Jore was one of the first people to take advantage of
  "Module::Pluggable"'s new promotion to core, and rewrote "B::Lint" to
  make use of it. He was immensely pleased, since it meant that he was
  able to rip out the previous clumsy efforts.

    The street finds its own uses for things

No code specified for -.

  Jarkko discovered that an 'e' was dropped in the message "No code
  specified for -e" if in fact there was no code.

    dash before e except after p

Perl regexp structures bifurcation

  Yves Orton continued to deliver a stream of changes to introduce a
  higher level of abstraction to the regular expression engine. This is
  part of his ongoing work to permit pluggable engines.

"\R" means something else in POSIX

  Yves discovered that not only does the Unicode consortium care about
  regular expressions, they even published a specification on the
  matter. Yves read the spec, and learnt that they recommend using "\R"
  as a best-practice sequence for specifying a generic line-break

  This unfortunately clashes with "\R" as a relative back-reference
  assertion in Perl's regular expression, but since we are still not out
  of beta, Yves was quite happy to cast around for a different unused
  character. After looking around at what was left of the alphabet, he
  settled in "\g" (as in group). He implemented a generalised syntax
  with curly braces, so that now "\g1" or "\g{1}" is the same as the
  existing "\1", and conversely, that "\g-1" and "\g{-1}" as a
  replacement for the now-defunct "\R1" syntax. (Yves, if you're reading
  this, doesn't that mean you could drop "\k<foo>" and subsume it into
  "\g<foo>"? You have 15 minutes to write the patch).

  Yves also thought that implement "\R" shouldn't be too difficult
  either, noting in passing that Philip Hazel will be delivering it in
  the next release of PCRE.

    14 minutes and counting

New and old bugs from RT

Segfault due to a semicolon inside an array reference (#40995)

  Shlomi Fish discovered that a semi-colon, such as in "[ $i->func2();
  ]" gets the tokeniser in a tizz. Rafaël noted that this misbehaviour
  was fixed in blead.

Setting $0 invalidates environment shown by "ps" (#41008)

  Alexander Bluhm noted that assigning to $0 causes unwanted
  side-effects on OpenBSD, and suggested a patch to fix things up.
  Rafaël took it and applied it to "blead".

"(?(COND))" in pattern matching not working properly (#41010)

  Karl Williamson discovered a bug where an alternation ("(a|b)") did
  not match the same thing as a character class ("[ab]"). What was worse
  was that the original program, when it didn't crash, the values of
  other assorted variables in the program mysteriously changed. Yves
  Orton figured out what the problem was, and developed a patch to fix
  things up.


"backslash-G" does not appear to work in a while loop (#41011)

  Jim Woodworth filed what he thought was a bug, but Dr. Ruud suspected
  that he was a victim of crypto-context.

Changing $0 on darwin leads to excessive padding in "ps" (#38868)

  The week continued in a $0 vein, with Darwin also causing trouble.
  Chris Dolan sorted things out with the help of the C preprocessor.

    You were expecting \0?

Regexp optimizer loses its hopes too soon (#39096)

  Yves Orton explored the reasons why the optimiser was ignoring obvious
  shortcuts and pointed out why a naive solution wouldn't work, and the
  problems that a generalised solution would have to consider.

    It used to be simple

"LD_LIBRARY_PATH" changes not exported to Dynaloader,Perl 5.8.8 On Solaris 8 (#40655)

  A mysterious person reported that this bug was resolved.

    Private and Confidential

SIGSEGV with "pos()" in regexp (#40989)

  Yves Orton noted that this bug no longer existed in "blead". This is
  no doubt a pleasing side-effect of all the work that the engine has
  received in recent times, although he was hard pressed to say which
  change would have been responsible. By extension, he didn't expect the
  fix to be backported to "maint".

    One more reason

  Yves noted that bug #39893 was probably another facet of the same

"File::Glob" braces with character classes erratic behaviour (#41027)

  Kolano discovered some inconsistencies with globs, curly braces and
  character classes.

Nested closures result in scoping related segmentation fault (#41028)

  ... and they are fixed in blead.

"PerlIOUnix_refcnt_dec()" croaks in bleadperl since #29065 (#41030)

  Steve Hay reported that since change #29065, his
  "Win32-SharedFileOpen" croaked with a strange error from somewhere
  within PerlIO. He traced the problem to a couple of patches, thinking
  that while they were not incorrect, perhaps there was an underlying
  bug which had only now been exposed as a result.

MSWin32: can't disable crlf trans. on STDxxx using :raw or binmode (#41034)

  Vaclav Ovsik reported a problem with end-of-line markers on Windows.
  He was not able to disable end-of-line translations on files opened by
  default (such as "STDOUT" and "STDERR", but files opened afterwards
  were just fine.

Perl5 Bug Summary

  We almost crept under the 1500 barrier this week.

    Once more into the breech

New Core Modules

  *   "IPC::Cmd" achieved core status this week. Steve Hay tweaked it
      slightly to fix a test problem on Windows.

  *   "threads" moved onto version 1.53. This corrected some of the
      problems that Steve Hay was experiencing with his smoke machine,
      but now he saw that the test suite was hanging on a different

  *   "File::Fetch" made it to the core. Johan Vromans wondered why this
      functionality was not added to "LWP::UserAgent". The reason is
      that "File::Fetch" is a wrapper for any number of command-line
      tools and protocols than can be used to fetch a file (such as
      "rsync", "LWP" itself, "curl", "wget" and the like).

In Brief

  Nicholas Clark taught the Aho-Corasick regexp patch how to behave in
  the presence of threads.

  H.Merijn Brand discovered that "PerlIO::Scalar" ignores "format" and
  "write", preferring instead to send the output to "STDOUT", instead of
  the associated variable.

    The last user of formats in the world

  "Time::Piece" is back from the future.

  David Landgren discovered that a literal before "\k<foo>" (a named
  back reference) can really ruin a conference talk. Yves Orton resolved
  the problem in 20 minutes, give or take a few.

  The 5.8.3 "sprintf" patch made its way into the Mac OS X Security
  Update 2006-007.

  Paul Marquess independently rediscovered the joy of testing
  filehandles with threaded 5.6.x perls, and decided to give it a wide

  Bo Lindbergh proposed adding lexical scope to "SelfLoader", complete
  with patch, but elicited no comments.

  Gabor Szabo and Abe Timmerman talked about the broken pages on

    In November

    and in December

  Yves Orton had some unhappy results with "Time::HiRes". After an
  incredibly long thread, everything was sorted out.

  Johan Vromans was worried that adding "Module::Load::Conditional" to
  the core would be like unleashing Pandora's box.

  Yves Orton wanted to know whether 'twas better to merge bugs or set up

    Whatever lowers the count most

  Jarkko tried in vain to sort out the UTF-8 -related failures that have
  been occurring in the smokes since August. Nicholas Clark explained
  the difficulties.

  Jarkko added some things to think about in "perltodo".

    Nick's movie

  Jim Cromie noticed that the "install" target misses
  "Compress/IO/{Base,Zlib}". The ideal solution involves using a more
  orthodox directory layout for the modules: "Configure" gets too
  confused otherwise.

  Rob "Sisyphus" puzzled over integer exponentiation under
  "-Duse64bitint" on Cygwin, wondering why the same result could be
  stored as an NV (a float) or an IV (an integer). Nicholas Clark could
  no longer remember why, only that it was a conscious design decision
  not to do integer exponentiation.

About this summary

  This summary was written by David Landgren.

  Weekly summaries are published on and posted on a
  mailing list, (subscription: [EMAIL PROTECTED]). The
  archive is at Corrections
  and comments are welcome.

  If you found this summary useful, please consider contributing to the
  Perl Foundation to help support the development of Perl.

"It's overkill of course, but you can never have too much overkill."

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