This Week on perl5-porters - 22 December 2007-29 December 2007

  "Remember, everyone is a beginner, but only for a small time." --
  Abigail, on why you can't please everyone, everywhere, all the time.

Topics of Interest

  The summaries are back! I had meant to get this out earlier this week,
  but the season's festivities got the better of me. Enjoy! -- David

Consting goodness done to excess

  Robin Barker, in a remarkable coincidence of increasing the
  summariser's burden, went about adding "const" goodness to XS modules
  in the core distribution.

    MIME::Base64 and Digest::MD5 (not applied)

    Compress::Raw::Zlib and Filter::Util::Call (not applied)

    Cwd and ExtUtils::ParseXS (applied, with slight turbulence)

    IO (not applied)

    Storable (applied)

    Digest::SHA (applied)

  Not to mention the judicious application of a "NUM2PTR" macro

"grep" and smart match should warn in void context

  Michael G. Schwern wondered why a "grep" operation performed in void
  context produced no warnings. The idea being that since a grep is a
  filtering operation over a list, you either want to get back some, all
  or none of the list, or possibly the number of elements that matched.
  But to want nothing at all was either stupid, an error, or some sort
  of obfuscation.

  Nicholas Clark asked Michael to write some TODO tests to nail down the
  desired behaviour, but Michael went one better and produced a first
  cut at a patch to do what he wanted.

  Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wasn't against the idea, but wanted to make
  sure there was a simple way to disable the warning message, just in
  case. Rather than introduce a new "void" keyword, Michael pointed out
  that "scalar grep foo(), list()" works just as well.

    obfuscated map, anyone?

Big slowdown in 5.10 @_ parameter passing

  Yves Orton forwarded a message from the DBIx-Class mailing list, where
  they had discovered with horror that

    my ($x, $y, $z) = @_;

  has become unacceptably slow in 5.10 (whereas a semantically
  equivalent code block using "shift" ran as swiftly as ever). Dave
  Mitchell discovered that the optimiser had become confused, and was
  running the list assignment through the code path that spends the
  extra cycles that makes sure that

    ($x, $y) = ($y, $x)

  works as expected. That is, extra care has to be taken when there are
  variables common to both sides of the assignment, otherwise things get

    wish they had taken 5.10 for a spin earlier

  Paul Johnson identified the patch responsible. No solution as yet.

    it was just a teeny bug fix

Should lexicals used only once warn?

  Nicholas Clark asked innocently whether it would make sense to have
  the interpreter warn about lexical variables that were defined and
  then never used afterwards. A volley of reasons as to why this would
  not be a good idea followed, and ten days later the thread was still
  bubbling along nicely. Lots of nice idioms in there worth pondering; I
  liked Hugo van der Sanden's resource lock trick.

    don't call us, we'll call you

Extra warnings for beginners

  Gabor Szabo kicked off a slightly shorter thread as to whether it
  would help to have extra warnings that would help beginners not fall
  prey to some types of simple errors. A concensus formed rather rapidly
  that this would not be a Good Idea.

    use brain;

"Configure -Dunknown_config_var" should exit with error

  Jim Cromie wrote a simple patch to make "Configure" do sanity checking
  on its command line. Andy Dougherty explained just how hard it was to
  do such a thing correctly, as hints files complicate the picture.

  H.Merijn Brand began to work on the scripts used to build the
  Configure file itself, and pulled his hair out over the bizarro coding
  style used. Jim Cromie was worried that if H.Merijn and Andy were
  simultaneously unable to work on shepherding the configuration
  infrastructure, The Perl project would be seriously stalled.

    bus fault in undisclosed location

Optimising opcodes

  Jim Cromie had been wondering whether all the null op-codes left
  behind after the optimiser was done with an op-tree could cause cache
  misses due to bloat, as the CPU ran ahead of the data pipeline.
  Nicholas Clark wanted to find out whether adding another pass that
  threw away the dead ops, rearranging the ops into a more sensible
  order and storing them with a slab allocator would be a win.

  Paul Johnson pointed out that one consequence would be that some error
  messages would no longer be able to relate to line number, as
  currently that information is stored in the very nullops that Nicholas
  was proposing to throw away.

    need some running code for concensus

  Later on in the week, Jim returned with a patch to move op-sibling
  pointers out of OPs, the theory being that it reduces the optree's
  cache footprint by 20%. Unfortunately the MJD advice about getting the
  wrong answer as fast as possible applies, since the patch (which Jim
  admits is a work in progress) causes things to dump core.

    it's a start

Storable for bytecode?

  Since the decision to jettison the Perl compiler for 5.10, perl no
  longer has a bytecode loader. Nicholas observed that "Storable" can
  serialise stuff, so, how much effort would it take before it could
  store an optree? And, at that point, would we have a byteloader? First
  up, Storable doesn't do regular expressions or typeglobs or... a whole
  lot of things it turns out, all of which are vital for an optree.
  Nicholas wondered whether it was feasible, easy or impossible.

  Hugo said that the first step (this no doubt applies to the above
  thread of optimising opcodes as well) would be to overhaul the
  optimiser to separate the manditory fixups (that if absent, would
  cause the code to be unrunnable) from the true optimisations.

  chromatic thought that a more promising avenue would be to remove the
  pessimisation in Perl 5 that makes the interpreter to poke at
  everything incessantly in case there's some sort of magic behaviour
  lying in ambush to do something completely different.

    the last frontier

APC now includes perl-5.10

  Philippe M. Chiasson updated the APC (All Perl Changes repository) to
  include the 5.10 track. Since it has been over five years since the
  5.8 track was created, there was considerable head-scratching on how
  to do a couple of things that had been lost in the mists of time.

  Philippe was hoping that Sarathy could chip in with what he recalled
  of the process.

    write it down for 5.12

Array ~~ Any

  Michael G. Schwern caught wind of a thread on Perlmonks discussing the
  behaviour in something like

    42 ~~ ['foo', 15]

  warning, which some people find rather unsettling, about "foo" not
  being numeric. Michael wondered if something could be done about the


Smart matching with objects

  Ricardo Signes thought that smart matching and objects didn't mix very
  well as things stand, and suggested that objects participate in smart
  matching only if they overload "~~". This is a pretty reasonable
  suggestion, as it gives the object the power to decide how it smart
  matches, rather than the operator blindly assume that anything behind
  the implementation curtain is fair game.

  Tels was surprised to learn that it was even possible to overload "~~"
  and began to wonder whether "Math::BigInt" objects and their relatives
  needed to do so. (Answer: yes, probably).

  Michael thought that the path of least resistance would be to make a
  smart match against an object die, unless the class had overloaded
  "~~". Ricardo was a little squeamish at first, but realised that it
  solves future backward-compatibility concerns nicely: no need to
  suffer the result of a poor choice in what tricksy dwimmery "~~" the
  porters could invent on the spur of the moment to deal with a
  not-smart-match-aware object.

  Larry Wall chipped in to point out that the smart match, as
  implemented in Perl 5 today, is now considered a misfeature in Perl 6,
  and there smart match behaves differently. That is, the match is
  determined solely by the nature of the RHS argument. Which means that
  if Perl 5 wants to borrow from the future and implement Perl 6 ideas,
  we need to track things more closely.

    electing to match

"~~" changing behaviour after using "=="?

  In a similar vein, Gabor Szabo reported being tripped up by two
  scalars being smart matched, then tested for numeric equality, and
  then watching a subsequent smart match return a different result. This
  was in spite of the fact that the scalars had not changed value.

  No-one had a really good answer, but Mark-Jason Dominus thought it
  reminded him of a heisenproblem with "vec" a few years back which in
  his recollection wound up labelled as, at best, a misfeature.

  In the final thread of the week concerning smart matching, Jerry D.
  Hedden patched the documentation to indicate that "~~" is not a

    it just is (unapplied)

Localising $@ in a "BEGIN" block

  ... prevents perl from noticing errors in the block. As related by
  Yves Orton, following a thread on Perlmonks. No-one ventured a reason
  as to why.

    looks like a bug

Always to use strict

  Steffen Müller, whose post for some reason isn't showing up on Xray
  (and thus we point you to the first follow-up in the thread),
  suggested that it would be a really great idea to enable "use strict"
  by default for 5.11 (and hence 5.12).

  While I was expecting a flamefest, surprisingly, everyone was more or
  less in agreement, although a push to enable "use warnings" as well
  had Abigail wringing her hands in dismay.

    there is no strict

  Steffen cooked up a first cut at a patch to implement the desired
  behaviour, but Rafaël declined it, explaining that it felt a bit too
  hackish and suggested a better approach.

    the heat is on

Weird BEGIN block CV assignment behaviour

  Peter Scott reported a question seen on c.l.p.m concerning typeglobs,
  "BEGIN" blocks and comments, for which he had no satisfactory answer.
  Nicholas and Dave Mitchell weren't able to do much better apart from
  some sympathetic waving of hands.

Regexps are people, too

  Ricardo dreamt about the possibility letting an object knowing when it
  was being used in a regexp context, which would allow it to be used
  with ease in pattern matches and substitutions, and splits.

    my life is made of patterns

  So Nicholas set about making regexps orange (no, don't ask). As part
  of the fallout, Jerry D. Hedden noticed that it caused threads tests
  to fail and proposed a patch to fix it.

  Jerry then fixed the "orange" regexps in threads.

  The shaking up of the code base in this way uncovered something else
  we weren't testing for, so Nicholas added a test:

  And that brought us first class regexps (like "ARRAY" and "HASH"),
  rather than "Regexp" objects. Nicholas tried to change it to "REGEXP"
  but too many things broke. The underlying implementation structure is
  nothing more (for the moment) than a PVMG (a thing of magic) with a
  pointer to the regexp structure. The quest was on to see what could be
  hoisted out of the latter structure (such as reference counting) into
  the PVMG, since it had a slew of unused elements begging to be used.

  Yves Orton liked the idea, and felt that it could go quite some way in
  reducing the complexity of the regexp engine. Nicholas continued to
  chip away at now-obsolete infrastructure code... until his monitor
  gave up the ghost.

  There was idle chatter about renaming the REGEXP type to REGEX, RULE
  and PATTERN. ORANGE and PLUM also got a look in.

    he makes it look so easy

When "strict 'refs'" is not strict enough

  Mark-Jason Dominus penned a thoughtful critique of why he thought
  strict 'refs' was not good enough. it was well-written enough to be
  summarised as: "stringifying a reference is probably an error". If you
  really need to do so, you should be explicit about it. Having it done
  implicitly is probably unwise.

  Michael S. made a couple of pertinent remarks as to why things had to
  be the way they were.

Patches of Interest

  Jan Dubois's 64-bit fix for "Time::Local" was applied.

  And his patch to bring blead up to 5.11 on Win32 was also applied.

  Vincent Pit found a two year old typo in op.c (using "&&" instead of
  "&") and offered a patch. Nicholas applied it.

Obsolete "Nullxx" macros

  Jan Dubois spotted some now-obsolete Nullxx macros in "x2p" and took
  out the axe. Applied by Marcus.

  Elsewhere in the tree, Jim Cromie found a couple of Nullstrs that had
  been missed in the initial cull. Also applied by Marcus.

  One of these changes may have been the reason why Jerry D. Hedden had
  to fix cygwin.c again.

Loss of context with "return do { my $x; 1}" constructs

  Some years back, Vincent Pit reported a bug (#38809) that reveals how
  "return do {my $x; 1}" returns undef, yet "return do {1}" returns 1
  (except in taint mode).

  It's all slightly confusing until you look at the output from
  "B::Concise", which shows how the result from the "do" block gets
  discarded. Vincent Pit proposed a simple brute-force patch that does
  better, pointing out that a more subtle approach would be better, and
  requested comments (but received none) on the matter.

Replace "FH" by "my $fh" in "open"

  Gabor thought it would be a good idea to use lexical filehandles in
  the documentation instead of globs. Michael G. Schwern thought so too.

  He also suggesting listing where $_ is used. This was applied.

  He followed up with another patch which received a lot more attention
  and came back with a revised version. Not yet applied.


Factor out duplicate code in "struct xpv*"

  Marcus Holland-Moritz was puzzled, because with a short amount of
  work, he removed 377 lines of code and reduced the duplication of some
  hard-to-keep-in-sync code. He wondered if it was so blindingly obvious
  that no-one had spotted it before, or whether it was that way because
  of some impossibly subtle edge case.

  On the downside, some struct members need to be wrapped in macros. On
  the other hand, some structures become identical, for instance,
  "XPVIV" and "XPVUV" are defined the same way.

  Nicholas Clark was worried that the extra macroification might cause
  cranky compilers, such as the one on AIX, to have a fit. H.Merijn
  Brand took the patch for a spin on an AIX machine he had handy and
  gave it a clean bill of health.

  Marcus discovered that there are 63 macros in the codebase that expand
  to more than 533 bytes, the grand-daddy of them all being
  "REXEC_TRIE_READ_CHAR" weighing in at 3697. In the end the patch was

Watching the smoke signals

Smoke [5.11.0] 32712 FAIL(m) MSWin32 WinXP/.Net SP2 (x86/2 cpu)

  Steve Peters looked at one of Steve Hay's smoke failures, and thought
  that it would be fixed by change #32713.

Smoke [5.11.0] 32718 FAIL(M) OSF1 V5.1 (EV6/4 cpu)

  Jarkko Hietaniemi wondered if some recent change had broken the
  ability to compile the source with a C++ compiler (other than g++).

    and after all that effort

New and old bugs from RT

"pod2html": Various markup errors with (nested) definition lists (#45211)

  Steve Peters applied a patch that came from Debian.

"CGI::Util::escape" broken for iso-8859-1 data (#49055)

  Slaven Rezic reported that this was broken in 5.10. Ævar Arnfjörð
  Bjarmason traced the problem down to the change in "pack" formats.

"SIGTERM" not terminating child process (#49073)

  Jerry D. Hedden noted that a "SIGTERM" was not killing its child
  properly, resulting in a failure in "Time::HiRes"'s test suite.

$_[0] seems to get reused inappropriately (#49115)

  schmorp filed a report that boils down to being yet another "Bizarre
  copy of ARRAY in sassign at Carp/"-type bug.

    need to get to the bottom of this

"\R" doesn't backtrack into "\r\n" (#49149)

  Abigail discovered the above behaviour, but Yves was of the opinion
  that the Unicode specification pretty much imposes it.

$REGMARK not available in REPLACEMENT (#49190)

  Abigail also reported that $REGMARK is not available on the right hand
  side of an "s///" expression.

  So naturally, Yves fixed it.

nested closures keep scalars alive (#49208)

  schmorp reported a bug (on 5.8) regarding closures holding into
  scalars for too long, thus preventing them from being destructed
  before the end of the program.


  Dave Mitchell confirmed that the correct, desired behaviour is seen on

    one reason to make the switch

Perl5 Bug Summary

  307 new, 1465 open makes 1772 tickets (ouch). 28 created this week, 6

New Core Modules

  constant 1.14
      Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni pushed out a new version of "constant"
      and then a second version followed hot on its heels (1.14), with
      the actual fix that 1.13 was supposed to contain.

        this is the one

  SelfLoader 1.13_01
      Steffen Müller made himself co-maintainer of SelfLoader,
      dual-lifed it, and pushed a development version out to CPAN.

        pull yourself in

      Prior to this, Andreas König reported that the previous version
      was unhappy on 5.6.x

        what does '<&' on open do, anyway?

This is the BBC

  Andreas König runs a smoke rig that checks as many CPAN modules in the
  shortest time possible against the most recent version of bleadperl,
  to see what breaks. Hence, Blead Breaks CPAN, or BBC.

    32013 broke Apache::DB (0.13)

    32707 broke Data::Alias, Devel::Declare anD autobox

    32734 broke Params::Validate and Clone

  (The final item was reported by Steve Peters).

In Brief

  Michael discovered that blockless greps run as fast as blocky greps,
  but both are about twice as slow as using a smart match.

    The color of surprise

  Tels had some Warnocked "Math::BigInt", Ubuntu and "Module::Install"

  Marcus readied himself for the push to "IPC::SysV" 2.0

    if all goes according to plan

  Nicholas responded to a May 2005 thread and replaced the C-level
  assert mechanism in the "perl" source by the standard C library assert

    not dead yet

  He also noticed with some dismay that there was no simple, elegant
  method for detecting the building of modules under the core. The
  "PERL_CORE=1" signal was used in just about every way imaginable.

    Build a better core trap

  Continuing, we find that he considers "gcc -pedantic" to be a mixed
  blessing, since it unfortunately disables a few important things like
  inlining macros, which kill performance.

    Bondage & discipline and speed: choose 1

  Andy Lester reported on 5.10 coverage on the tech web sites

  Sam Vilain, who has been working on getting the entire perl source
  history into a "git" repository reported that its tag for 5.004_05
  returned the wrong set of files and in tracking down the reason,
  discovered that "Module::CoreList" was probably wrong and issued a
  patch to fix it (unapplied).

  Jim Cromie, noticing that the Perforce repository was close to change
  32768, or 2**15, tries to flog it off to someone willing to donate
  TPF, only to discover that H.Merijn Brand had carelessly burnt it
  several hours previously on a minor whitespace tweak.

    changes 33333 and 34567 still up for grabs

  Ricardo proposed real exceptions for 5.12, picking up on some topics
  that were discussed in the run up to 5.10. None of the few people who
  answered were against the idea.

    something to be pursued

  Gabor encountered a surprising test failure when building with a
  nonsensical path, as in "sh Configure -Dprefix==/path/to/perl". (Note
  the "=="). As the failure was somewhere in ExtUtils, Schwern sighed
  and said he'd have a look at it.

  Marcus discovered a 8 year old bug (or at least a performance drain),
  and quietly committed a patch to fix it.

    UTF-8 file to UTF-8 scalar now 8% faster!

About this summary

  This summary was written by David Landgren as part of the
  Winter of Code project. Thanks Vienna!

  Weekly summaries are published on and posted on a
  mailing list, (subscription: [EMAIL PROTECTED]). The
  archive is at Corrections
  and comments are welcome.

  If you found this summary useful, please consider contributing to the
  Perl Foundation to help support the development of Perl.

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