# New Ticket Created by  David Warring 
# Please include the string:  [perl #130606]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=130606 >

[09:20] <dwarring> bisect: sub clip-to ($min, $v is rw, $max) { $v = ($min
max $v) min $max }; sub blah ( Array() :$rgbd ) { clip-to 0, $_, 255 for
@$rgbd; }; blah(rgbd => <.086, .165, .282> );
[09:20] <+bisectable6> dwarring, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12
new=3f80e13). Old exit code: 0
[09:20] <+bisectable6> dwarring, bisect log:
[09:20] <+bisectable6> dwarring, (2016-12-30)
[09:21] <brokenchicken> dwarring: Color module?
[09:21] <brokenchicken> That's should be fixed on HEAD
[09:21] <dwarring> yeah, there's a second regression in t/01-new-key-value.t
[09:21] <brokenchicken> oh damn
[09:21] * brokenchicken is now looking at 4 things at once :o
[09:22] <brokenchicken> time to de-parralelize :)
[09:22] <dwarring> I think it's a different problem
[09:22] <brokenchicken> m: sub clip-to ($min, $v is rw, $max) { $v = ($min
max $v) min $max }; sub blah ( Array() :$rgbd ) { clip-to 0, $_, 255 for
@$rgbd; }; blah(rgbd => <.086, .165, .282> );
[09:22] <+camelia> rakudo-moar 3f80e1: OUTPUT«P6opaque: no such attribute
'$!denominator' in type RatStr when trying to get a value␤  in sub clip-to
at <tmp> line 1␤  in sub blah at <tmp> line 1␤  in block <unit> at <tmp>
line 1␤␤»
[09:23] <brokenchicken> m: say .4 cmp <.5>
[09:23] <+camelia> rakudo-moar 3f80e1: OUTPUT«Less␤»
[09:23] <brokenchicken> m: say .4 max <.5>
[09:23] <+camelia> rakudo-moar 3f80e1: OUTPUT«.5␤»
[09:23] <brokenchicken> m: say .4 min <.5>
[09:23] <+camelia> rakudo-moar 3f80e1: OUTPUT«0.4␤»
[09:23] <brokenchicken> m: dd <.5>
[09:23] <+camelia> rakudo-moar 3f80e1: OUTPUT«RatStr.new(0.5, ".5")␤»
[09:23] * brokenchicken shrugs
[09:23] <brokenchicken> gonna look at this in ~1hr
[09:25] <dwarring> I'll raise an RT
[09:25] <brokenchicken> Thanks

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