> On 27 Feb 2017, at 11:29, Zefram <zef...@fysh.org> wrote:
> Elizabeth Mattijsen via RT wrote:
>> Fixed with https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/b11dc88a3e , no tests 
>> needed.
> That only changed one of the two types of message to which I referred.
> mkdir still has the unchanged message.

Good point, fixed with https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/6cb9be294d .

> I don't think the change made there fixes the problem.  The altered
> message still implies that *the sub being called* can be called as a
> method.

My point is that without knowing the object on which one attempts to call a 
method, one cannot know whether or not the method call will fail.

  class A {
      method mkdir() { “foo” }
  mkdir with A.new;

Seems to be perfectly valid error message in this case.

> The alteration is merely a clarification of the meaning that
> the message had before.  It's a reasonable change to make for those
> subs that *are* widely available as methods (WHAT, say), but that part
> of the message is still wrong for those that are not (bag, mkdir).

Again, without knowing the runtime environment, we cannot see whether the 
method calls will work or not.

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