I started to add a test or two for this issue, but then I found the following 
test in S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.t:

  #?rakudo.moar todo 'chr max RT #124837'
  dies-ok {chr(0x10FFFF+1)}, "chr out of range (max)";

Looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_point and 
http://www.unicode.org/glossary/#code_point I understand that U+10FFFF is 
indeed the maximum Unicode code point.

On the JVM backend we already throw for invalid code points (this is handled by 
class Character, method toChars under the hood: 

$ ./perl6-j -e 'say chr(0x10FFFF+1)'
  in block <unit> at -e line 1

So, IMHO we could do be better on MoarVM as well. It feels to me that the check 
for valid code points shouldn't be implemented in NQP, but in MoarVM. Actually, 
MVM_unicode_get_name already has such a check implemented.

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