On Mon, 01 May 2017 04:37:13 -0700, elizabeth wrote:
> Fixed with 551b8a69e0a83e2c34 , tests needed
> > On 1 May 2017, at 13:24, Jan-Olof Hendig (via RT) <perl6-bugs-
> > follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> >
> > # New Ticket Created by  Jan-Olof Hendig
> > # Please include the string:  [perl #131240]
> > # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
> > # <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131240 >
> >
> >
> > # these examples demonstrate the problem
> >
> > dogbert@dogbert-VirtualBox ~ $ perl6 -v
> > This is Rakudo version 2017.04.3-134-g69320e7fa built on MoarVM
> > version 2017.04-44-gf0db8822 implementing Perl 6.c.
> >
> > # the problem
> > dogbert@dogbert-VirtualBox ~ $ perl6 -e 'my SetHash $set =
> > SetHash.new; my $i = 1001; $set{$i} = True; dd $set; $i++; dd $set'
> > SetHash $set = SetHash.new(1001)
> > SetHash $set = SetHash.new(1002)
> >
> > # compare with an older version
> > dogbert@dogbert-VirtualBox ~ $ perl6 -v
> > This is Rakudo version 2016.12 built on MoarVM version 2016.12
> > implementing Perl 6.c.
> >
> > dogbert@dogbert-VirtualBox ~ $ perl6 -e 'my SetHash $set =
> > SetHash.new; my $i = 1001; $set{$i} = True; dd $set; $i++; dd $set'
> > SetHash $set = SetHash.new(1001)
> > SetHash $set = SetHash.new(1001)

Test added with https://github.com/perl6/roast/commit/8d17fbdda0

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