On Mon, 29 May 2017 16:03:29 -0700, ben-goldb...@hotmail.com wrote:
> There should be a trait, called either nyi or unimplemented (choose your 
> favorite name and capitalization) which changes the subroutine or method 
> it's applied to so that, when it's called, it dies or fails with an X::NYI 
> exception.
> Alternatively, a slightly more generic solution might be more useful:
> role AutoDie[$class, $message?] {
>    method CALL-ME(*@_, *%_)) {
>       die $class.new: $message // |();
>    }
> };
> role AutoFail[$class, $message?] {
>     method CALL-ME(*@_, *%_) {
>        fail $class.new: $message // |();
>     }
> }
> sub foo does AutoFail[X::NYI, "Sorry, we haven't gotten to foo yet!"] {...}

Thank you for the suggestion. However, I don't believe there's any serious 
demand for this feature, to justify it being included in core.

In fact, `does AutoFail[X::NYI, "Sorry, we haven't gotten to foo yet!"] ` is 1 
MORE characters to type than `die X::NYI.new: :feature<Sorry, we haven't gotten 
to foo yet!>`

Perhaps, you could publish it as a module: 

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