> On 4 Jul 2017, at 16:05, Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev via RT 
> <perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> On 2017-07-04 05:29:20, comdog wrote:
>> Accessing a List element beyond the end of the List returns Nil,
>> although accessing an element before the beginning returns an out of
>> bounds failure. I think there's two things that can be better here
>> since we know the size of the List.
>> my $list = < a b c >;
>> put "I have a {$list.^name}";
>> First, in the "before" case, we have more information than the error
>> message lets on. The index should be from 0 to 2:
>> {
>> my $i = -1;
>> $list[$i]; # Index out of range. Is: -1, should be in 0..^Inf
>> }
>> But this requires the change I think is more helpful. Since the List
>> size won't change, we can have the same out-of-bounds error on
>> accesses past the end. At the moment it's no warning:
>> {
>> my $i = $list.end + 1;
>> $list[$i]; # No warning
>> }
>> This would then be the error for assigning into a position beyond the
>> end. The existing error doesn't say what went wrong even though Perl 6
>> has enough information to figure that out:
>> {
>> my $i = $list.end + 1;
>> $list[$i] = 5; # Cannot modify an immutable Nil
>> }
> Hm. Wouldn't that make behavior of Lists and Arrays different?

No, because Lists are supposed to be immutable wrt to the number of elements.

That said, a List may not always be completely reified already.  So logically, 
a List may  have 100 elements, it could well be that only 42 of these elements 
exist already.  Which means that the underlying NQP array, which *is* mutable, 
only has 42 elements.  But it cannot know offhand whether those are all 
possible elements, as that depends on the iterator that is being used to fill 
the NQP array.

A complicating factor is that this is a very hot code path, so any changes 
there could affect general performance significantly.  My initial tests to 
generate a Failure on out of bounds value immediately results in 2 internal 
errors trying to generate backtrace  :-(

Anyways, I agree with brian’s feelings on this.  The challenge is now to make 
it so without making everything significantly slower.

FWIW, the code in question lives around line 480 in List.pm.


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