> On 23 Jul 2017, at 22:27, Sam S. via RT <perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
>> Which then goes back to: what is the use case of Slipping an Array?
> Same as slipping any other type of Iterable: Fine-grained, elegant flattening 
> and concatenating.
> Compare:
>  my @all = flat $first, @rest;
>  my @all = $first, |@rest;
> When you *know* that $first is a Scalar and @rest is an Array, those two do 
> the same thing because `flat` doesn't descend into item containers.
> But if those are, say, function parameters, then they can become bound to 
> other things, e.g. the calling code could pass a List to `@rest` which 
> *doesn't* have its elements itemized, so the version with `flat` would 
> destroy the elements' internal structure.
> Even if that wasn't the case, I'd consider the `|` version more elegant than 
> the `flat` version, because it denotes very clearly to the reader *where* 
> exactly something is being flattened into the outer list.
>> because Slip is a List, it uses List.AT-POS, and that one
>> doesn’t create a WHENCE with a container to be filled at a later time. 
> Couldn't `@array.Slip` be made to properly iterate @array behind the scenes 
> (the same way that `@array.map` would iterate it), instead of reaching into 
> @array's guts and copying its elements in a way that misinterprets some of 
> them?

Which is exactly what 12d7d5b48add8347eb119 does.

So fixed, and tests needed!

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